Research Feature | Julia Doan and the SEED Research Team

SJSU Lurie College of Education Child & Adolescent Development Student Julia Doan

With the support of a Lurie College Student Research Award, Julia Doan worked with our Supporting Early Education and Development (SEEDs) research team to conduct a study on children’s early understanding of numbers and math. Julia is an undergraduate student who has just completed her Junior year pursuing a ChAD major, with a focus on Community Programming, and a minor in Deaf Education. She is also an active member of our ChAD community and has recently taken on a leadership role in the new Early Childhood Student-Alumni Network (ESAN). “I got a chance to apply the knowledge that I have learned in my classes into research, which helps me retain that knowledge and understand how it applies in real life situations,” said Doan. “I am proud to be a part of the team’s collective study and data collection efforts and I am excited to contribute additional knowledge about number and counting abilities that children have, which can possibly be used by teachers in the future during their teaching practices.” An early report of study findings was presented at the biennial meeting of the Cognitive Development Society and Julia will present a final report at the upcoming Western Psychological Association conference (rescheduled for Fall 2020). This work would not have been possible without Julia and the support of Lurie College.

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