Updates to University Personnel Website

Please see below for a summary of recent changes to the University Personnel website. We recommend clearing your browser cache to ensure you see the updated information.

Menu Updates

    • The MyInfo and News menus/pages have been removed
    • The Tools & Resources menu/page has been renamed to Resources
    • A new menu and page, Professional Development, has been created

image of website navigation for university personnel website


Professional Development contains information previously housed under the MyInfo and News menus.

image of professional development menu contents on the university personnel website


The highlighted information in the image below has been moved to MyCareer (previously under MyInfo).

image of mycareer menu contents on the university personnel website; several items are highlighted for emphasis


The information highlighted below has been moved to Resources (previously under News). In addition, a new page called Policies & Guidelines has been added to the Resources menu to make it easier to find various policies and guidelines managed by UP.

image of the resources menu content on the university personnel website; several items are highlighted for emphasis


Additional updates are in the planning stages, and we will let you know when they are complete.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out: up-webmaster@sjsu.edu.


Please feel free to forward this information to others in your department who may be interested.


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