Spartans Stepping Beyond Update

Spartans Stepping Beyond, our online recognition program, has been an opportunity to recognize or thank a fellow Spartan who made a difference on campus. Since we started the program almost ten years ago, many of you have participated and highlighted the ways your fellow Spartans have stepped up to help you or others on campus.

We would like to take a moment to express our heartfelt gratitude for your unwavering dedication and hard work that continues to drive our Spartan community forward.

As we strive to continuously improve our programs and initiatives, we have made the difficult decision to temporarily suspend our Spartans Stepping Beyond program. We want to assure you that this decision in no way diminishes our appreciation for your exceptional contributions and the value you bring to our community!

We are committed to taking this time to reevaluate and enhance our recognition program, ensuring that it becomes even more meaningful and impactful when reintroduced later this year.

Thank you for your understanding, patience, and ongoing commitment. We appreciate you and look forward to the day we can reintroduce a revamped Spartans Stepping Beyond that truly reflects the outstanding contributions of our exceptional campus community.

If you have any questions, please email

Did You Know?

Did you know that University Personnel has its own YouTube channel? Well, we do!

Find videos of our Town Hall meetings, eFaculty information and more!

We recently added a series of short videos reviewing the various aspects of our website which you may find useful. These were originally created last fall when we announced the redesign of our site, but they are still relevant today.

If you have any questions or are looking for something specific, please let us know. Email us at

CSU’s Got Talent Online Webcast Training: Achieving Successful Change Inevitably Means Overcoming Obstacles – Tuesday, July 25

Oz Sanchez reveals how to achieve the winning mindset through mindfulness, emotional intelligence (EQ), meaning making and identity creation and change. Get ready to be inspired and empowered by Oz’s incredible journey! on Tuesday, July 25 from 10:00 A.M – 11:00 A.M PT.

Click here to attend the webcast training.

Questions: Contact Madeline Hsiao, Associate Production Director, at or 562-951-4072 prior to webcast day.

This webcast will take place Tuesday, July 25, 2023 from 10:00am – 11:00am. All CSU Faculty & Staff are invited to attend this free webcast.

DID YOU MISS IT? You are welcome to view all of our previous recordings on the learning portal, CSU Learn.

Reminder: UP Town Hall Tomorrow

The Spring University Personnel Town Hall will be held tomorrow, Tuesday, May 16, from 10:00 – 11:00 a.m. In this Town Hall we will be discussing Leaves, Accommodations and Workers’ Compensation.

Register now to join us for this informative session.

If you are unable to attend, the session will be recorded and posted, along with the slide deck and Q & A, on the UP Town Halls webpage.

CSU’s Got Talent Online Webcast Training: The Secret to Getting Along: 3 Steps to Creating Better Teams, with Gabrielle Hartley – Tuesday, May 23

Gabrielle Hartley, Esq., Gabrielle Hartley, Esq., is a divorce attorney and mediator, and American Bar Association Mediation Committee Co-Chair. presents “The Secret to Getting Along: 3 Steps to Creating Better Teams” on Tuesday, May 23 from 10:00 A.M. – 11:00 A.M. PT.

Conflict isn’t ideal, but it can be reframed as a positive. Conflict ends up leading us to better results, and helps push us towards the conversations that our teams and organizations need to have. It reveals opportunities to
improve ourselves and our teams. The best part is that handling conflict is a skill that can be learned.

Click here to attend the webcast training.

Questions: Contact Madeline Hsiao, Associate Production Director, at or 562-951-4072 prior to webcast day.

This webcast will take place Tuesday, May 23, 2023 from 10:00am – 11:00am. All CSU Faculty & Staff are invited to attend this free webcast.

DID YOU MISS IT? You are welcome to view all of our previous recordings on the learning portal, CSU Learn.