Web Transfers & Finance Data Warehouse Training on June 6

Finance Training Scheduled

Two training courses have been scheduled for June 6. Both courses are intended for those employees who have not yet received this training.

GL002 Web Transfers Training

This training covers how to process web budget and web expense transfers. It also covers hospitality payments and interdepartmental transfers. Please check with your upper management to determine if web transfers are necessary for your job responsibilities.

8:30 am to 9:30 am
Thursday, June 6
Clark Hall 505

FIN008 Finance Data Warehouse Training

This training covers running department financial reports. If you are interested in attending, you must enroll in the class session 2 days prior to confirm your access.

9:30 am to 11:30 am
Thursday, June 6
Clark Hall 505

Enroll by June 4

For detailed instructions on how to enroll in a training course, view Search for a Course & Enroll in a Session (pdf).


If you have any questions, please contact Information Support Services at 408-924-1530 or info-support@sjsu.edu.