Possible Delays Using WebEx on Saturday


Scheduled Maintenance

WebEx is scheduled for a maintenance update from 12 noon to 6 pm on Saturday May 11.

Possible Impact

We expect a minimal impact for San José State users, but the changes may include the following symptoms:

  • Momentary delays when attempting to perform actions within a meeting
    Example: Shared content may freeze briefly and/or role changes may be delayed
  • Momentary delays when attempting to start, join and/or end a meeting
  • Momentary delays when attempting to access the WebEx primary site, as well as any site ending with webex.com

We apologize for any inconvenience.

Technical Assistance

Please note that technical assistance will not be available over the weekend.

For technical assistance during normal business hours (7:30 am—4:30 pm, Monday—Friday),  contact  Information Support Services at info-support@sjsu.edu or 408-924-1530.

More Information

For information about how to attend or host an online meeting or lecture at San José State, visit our WebEx Portal.

SJSU WebEx is Here!

SJSU WebEx is Here!

SJSU WebEx is Here!

Next Gen Technology Project

The Next Gen Technology Project is proud to announce the availability of the SJSU WebEx service for all faculty and staff.  The WebEx service is a cloud-based hosted product, part of Cisco Collaboration Technology.


SJSU WebEx can be used to host online meetings and interactive sessions with individuals inside and outside of San José State.  The Meetings service within SJSU WebEx can be used to enhance academic class activity including lecture capture for later review and interaction with remote students and/or guest lecturers.  A wealth of support materials is available from WebEx on how to use the service through Help on the WebEx Site.  Additional tailored instructional materials to provide guidance on academic use will be available soon.
San José State is one of the first customers to utilize the latest version of WebEx v11 released in June 2012 with significant improvement in user experience.  Pre-production testing of the new version identified some problems that have been reported and are being addressed, but would not prevent productive use of the product now.

Access WebEx

To access the SJSU WebEx service, go to the MySJSU  and look for the Sign in to WebEx link in Quick Links section.  Enter your campus email account in the SJSU WebEx sign-on page and you will be redirected to the SJSUOne login for authentication. 

More Information

For more information on SJSU Webex, please go to the WebEx Portal.