The New 988 Mental Health Hotline Is Live

Article by: NPR

People experiencing a mental health crisis have a new way to reach out for help in the U.S. they can simply call or text the numbers 9-8-8.

Modeled after 911, the new three-digit 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline is designed to be a memorable and quick number that connects people who are suicidal or in any other mental health crisis to a trained mental health professional.

“If you are willing to turn to someone in your moment of crisis, 988 will be there,” said Xavier Becerra, the secretary of the federal Department of Health and Human Services, at a recent press briefing. “988 won’t be a busy signal, and 988 won’t put you on hold. You will get help.”

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One thought on “The New 988 Mental Health Hotline Is Live

  1. Thanks for sharing this news! I’m ecstatic that our national mental health system is changing for the better!