CSU’s Got Talent Online Training: The Surprising Science of Meetings

A recent estimate suggests that employees endure a staggering 55 million meetings a day in the United States. Most companies and leaders view poor meetings as an inevitable cost of doing business. But managers can take heart: researchers now have a clear understanding of the key drivers that make meetings successful. In The Surprising Science of Meetings, Dr. Steven Rogelberg, draws from extensive research and survey interviews with over 5,000 employees across a range of industries to share the proven practices and techniques that help managers and employees enhance the quality of their meetings. For those who lead and participate in meetings, he provides immediate direction, guidance, and relief, offering a how-to guide to change your working life starting today

This course will take place Thursday, July 30 from 10:00am – 11:00am. All CSU Faculty & Staff are invited to attend this free webcast.

Click here to join the training.

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