Returning Resident Process

The Returning Resident Process and Application is now open. Residents who want to live in Housing for 2020-2021 MUST complete the application and pay the $600 initial payment by Thursday, March 12th at 5 PM. If you or residents have questions, please direct all questions to the Housing Office either in person, or email, or call at 408-795-5600.

Cleaning Update

Just wanted to give a few reminders!

  • Hand Sanitizer: We went around and gave every desk a bottle of Hand Sanitizer, these are currently sold out in a lot of places so please do not throw out the bottle, we have sanitizer that we can refill it with. Please email us when your desk is getting low.
  • Ipad/Screen Wipes: Please ensure to wipe down all the iPads and the computer screens routinely, these can get very dirty. Please make sure you are using the correct wipes to protect the screens. This includes the clock in iPad as well as the visitor registration iPads (do not use the Clorox disinfecting ones).
  • Wipes: Please remind us if you are getting low and we will get you a replacement ASAP!

Thanks for helping keep the desk clean for everyone!

See Something Say Something

OAs are expected to always be alert while monitoring the comings/goings at the desk.  This means “eyes up” as anyone enters the community and being prepared to at least verbally request all who enter to show ID or to check-in their guests.  Please remember to report any of the following:

  • Suspicious individuals who have suspicious behavior or appear to to be “hanging around” – Notify the Campus Police (408-924-4222) and/or UHS staff (on-campus) 
  • Issue with a resident or guest – Notify RA on duty 
  • Issue with another OA (i.e. OA being on the phone the whole shift, OA sleeping while on shift, OA no show to shift, OA acting inappropriate, etc.)  – Notify Front Desk Team
  • The FDT does not encourage OA’s to confront each other about situations, please report the situation and the FDT will take action if required

Please reference the Spring 2020 Training Presentation for more information.

FDT Limited Availability due to New OA Hiring

Starting Wednesday, February 19, 2020 and ending Friday, February 21, 2020 the FDT will have limited availability as we will be busy growing our team for the 20/21 Academic year.  We will be conducting 200 interviews for potential OA’s.

If we do not reply to your request (email, drop/swaps, time off, etc) in a timely fashion, please be patient with us we will do our best to get back to your request ASAP.