OA of the Month Nominations Due by March 20th

This is a remind that if you are wanting to nominate someone for OA of the month, please fill out the nomination from. Please submit a separate from for each nominee.

OA of the month nominations are due by the 20th of each month.  

As a reminder OA nominations are to recognize our amazing OA staff who provide extraordinary service to the Res Life Community exceeding the expectations of the OA position (i.e. providing assistant to a resident or guest above the exception, going out of their way to assist their co-workers and the FDT, etc.) Anyone (pro staff, FDT, faculty-in-Residence & students) may nominate an OA member for this recognition. Nominees must have completed one month employment at San Jose State University. Award recipients will be announced at the beginning of each month the prior moth and will be displayed in our OA Google Website. Past recipients can receive this award once per semester. There is no limit on the number of individuals you may nominate. Please submit a separate from for each nominee.

Lost and Found Items

Lost and found items should NOT be collected and kept by the front desk staff. When a student brings lost and found items to the desk, please refer them to the UPD’s Lost and Found.

If items are left behind at the front desk by other students the please notify the Community Desk Team via email and we will make sure to come by and pick them up on the next rounds.

RA Information Sessions

Interested in becoming an RA on campus?  Attend one of the information sessions to find out more:

November 14, 2019
Campus Village 2MPR

November 15, 2019
Campus Village 2MPR
11:00AM & 12:00PM

In order to be eligible for an interview, all applications must have attended an information session.

For additional questions, please contact: reslife-student-staffing@sjsu.edu