SJSU’s role in the continued development of downtown San Jose

As I prepare for a panel discussion taking place later this week about the future of downtown San Jose, it seems fitting to share an op-ed piece I wrote for the San Francisco Chronicle in November. Though the piece lays out the ways in which San Jose State can assist Google with its downtown San Jose development project, the ideas are applicable beyond that particular effort.

SJSU’s new grads shine bright as holiday season approaches

Our second—and, now, traditional—fall commencement ceremonies wrapped up yesterday on campus. What exuberance and excitement! The happy, joyful faces we saw from students and their loved ones coincide with the onset of the holiday season and provide the perfect antidote to the chilly, damp weather and shortened daylight hours.

Advancing opportunities for women in executive roles in higher education

Recently, I attended the Fall Conference of the American Council on Education (ACE) Women’s Network of Northern California, an organization I joined a couple of years ago as a presidential sponsor. I am delighted to know that our campus will host this conference next October!

“Cluster Hire” at SJSU expected to lead to deeper focus on wildfire science

One of the exciting things we are doing this year at San Jose State to build academic strength and expertise is what we call a Cluster Hire, or in this case, more specifically, a Cluster Hire in Wildfire Science. With the recent wildfires that have devastated our natural ecosystems and our local communities in California, this could not be a more timely and urgent intervention into our hiring process.