No Show Desk Coverage Protocol

Please do not leave the desk unattended until at least one person arrives for the next scheduled shift, we do expect to have 2 people at each desk during each shift however, sometimes that is not the case.  If the next scheduled OA(s) donot arrive and there will be no one at the desk, contact the nearest OA Front Desk(s) and request one of their staff come relieve you of the position. Below is a chart of desks you should call by community.

If your replacement staff member(s) do not arrive then contact the RA on Duty and request them to relieve you of the position.

You are REQUIRED to email the Front Desk Team when you have to stay late to cover a shift, indicating the date, shift which the other staff did not show up for, and name of staff member which did not show up.

If moved to another desk please email the FDT to let us know of your new desk assignment.

Building 1st Call 2nd Call 3rd Call

Summer OA Interest

The UHS team is working to determine working opportunities for students during Summer Break. Only a few of our desks stay open over Summer break in the Apartments community. This year, we want to open this opportunity to work over summer break to all OA’s.

In doing so we created this Google form to get a feeling of OA availability and desire to work over the break. The expectations remain the same regarding overnight availability as the Courtesy Desks will operate on a 24 hours basis. Remember, you’ll need two (2) SUN-THU, 10PM-10AM overnights and one (1) weekend, FRI-SAT 10PM-10AM.

Summer Break schedule will kick in on May 23, 2020 and it’ll go all the way through August 11, 2020. With classes being out of session, students are allowed to work 40 hours a week! Our expectation is that students will be committed to work as close to 40 hours as possible. Additionally, shifts will be four (4) hours to give everyone additional free time to enjoy their break still. Finally, time off for the summer break will be a total 6 days and will be handled the same as during the academic year. Please complete the Summer OA Interest form by Monday March 2 at the latest.  

Soon after the stated date, the OA Leadership team will come together and decide who will be working summer break. The schedule for Summer break will be published in April.

IMPORTANT: Completion of this form, does NOT mean you will be assigned shifts over summer break. It is strictly to gauge interest and availability of OA’s. OA’s granted summer break will be based on both availability and prior shift performance.  OA’s who work summer break will NOT be provided housing by UHS.

Time Off Requests

We are getting a lot of last minute unpaid time off requests.  We wanted to remind you of the process for unpaid time off:

    • Time off needed in excess of 24 hours
    • Need to be submitted in WIW with at least 7 days advanced notice
    • Requests can be submitted via When I Work with a reason for approval (requests without a reason will not be approved)
    • During time off you do not need to maintain your 3 full nights availability requirement
    • Holiday time off approval is limited during holidays for operational needs
      • Thanksgiving Break, Spring Break, etc. 
    • Needs to be approved by Front Desk Team before student(s) can be excused from shifts for those days
    • Requests will be process during UHS business hours (requested submitted over the weekend will not be approved)
      • Monday-Friday 8:00am-5:00pm

No Time Off Request is guaranteed until it is approved by the FDT.




FDT Limited Availability due to New OA Hiring

Starting Wednesday, February 19, 2020 and ending Friday, February 21, 2020 the FDT will have limited availability as we will be busy growing our team for the 20/21 Academic year.  We will be conducting 200 interviews for potential OA’s.

If we do not reply to your request (email, drop/swaps, time off, etc) in a timely fashion, please be patient with us we will do our best to get back to your request ASAP.