We are “Hiring” Tutors! Contact us to find out more!
We pride ourselves as an organization that offers high quality, experienced tutors with a B.S. or B.A. degree, or higher, a platform for them to connect with students that want to be tutored and get the best value for their dollar.
Join PTSTUTORS!! Add yourself into our website as a tutor at: http://www.ptstutors.com – It’s that simple!
What you get from PTSTUTORS once you sign up:
You will be an independent contractor and will have control on your fees, who to tutor, and your tutoring methods.
We will take care of billing the students and advertising so you can focus on your tutoring.
Signing up is easy and convenient! You bring your expertise and passion, and we take care of the rest.
Tutors usually end up with:
$25.00- $40.00 per/hour.
Flexible schedule.
Choice of working at student’s home or mutually agreed place.
Compare our commissions with that from other companies.
Easy-to-use Website – sign up as a tutor and you are ready-to-go – http://www.ptstutors.com:
Our website it easy and convenient to use for students, parents and tutors.
Students search tutor profiles, select a tutor, contact the tutor, and pay for tutoring as they go.
Tutors can upload a profile and photo for free, find tutees, or respond to tutoring requests.
What we require from you:
Passion for helping others reach their academic goals.
A desire to earn extra money in a meaningful manner while having a flexible schedule.
If you drive to students’ homes, reliable transportation and proof of auto insurance.
BA/BS or higher level of education.
Previous experience teaching or tutoring.
A copy of your college transcripts or a copy of your diploma. To send us this information you can:
Scan them and then attach them to an email.
Mail them to: PTSTUTORS, 101 First St, Suite 101, Los Altos, CA 94022
Fax to: 650-948-5137.
Upload them into the http://www.ptstutors.com website.
We want to “hire” tutors throughout the USA to teach, tutor, or coach students in the following subjects:
Math: All levels and classes, elementary through graduate level
Foreign Languages: Spanish, French, German, Latin, Japanese, Chinese …
Sciences: Biology, Chemistry, Physics …
English : Reading, writing, grammar literature, SAT, TOEFL …
Special Education
Elementary Education
Computer Science: All languages
Contact PTSTUTORS INC if you have any questions: 650-948-5137