COS Student Research Day

As of now, 37 poster titles have been submitted for the SRD. Our capacity is about 60, so if you plan to show a poster, get your titles to me soon before all the spaces are taken!
For our new faculty colleagues, if you are at an early stage of setting up your research program, I encourage you to show a poster of work in progress or of planned research. The SRD is a good way to let other faculty and students learn of your projects. Over the years many collaborations have sprung from connections made at the SRD. Also, a poster does not have to be made specifically for the SRD – one that was presented recently at a conference is fine.
I would appreciate getting titles by Friday, April 29. Submission information follows (note the alternate email for submissions):
The TWELFTH Annual College of Science Student Research Day (SRD) will be held Friday, May 6, 2016 from 10:00am to 1:00pm in the breezeway of Duncan Hall. This is our annual showcase of posters presented by students performing original research with COS faculty (i.e. on projects which could eventually lead to a publication or presentation in a research conference). The SRD is the primary opportunity to display the impressive range of research projects involving faculty and students in our College.
Poster Title Submission:
If you wish to submit a poster to the SRD, all that is needed from you is a title and list of authors. See the attached MS Word form and enter the information requested. Please use this form and follow the format given so your information can simply be cut and pasted into the final program. Be sure to indicate the student authors by underlining their names.
Submissions will only be accepted from COS faculty advisors, NOT from students. This needs to be done so we can verify that the advisors have approved submissions. Posters that have recently been presented at a scientific conference are welcome.
I have set up a special gmail account to accept submissions – please return your titles using this address so I can keep track of them:
Submissions will be accepted until all slots fill up, so send in your poster titles as soon as possible. I will send a notice when we fill the program. We will have the same number of poster slots as the last several years, and usually fill all of them. If you do not hear from me by Friday, April 29, send a message to make sure I didn’t miss your submissions! I hope to send a draft program out by Monday, May 2.
IMPORTANT: if you plan to print your poster in the COS Computer Center (basement), it must be submitted by 4:00pm May 2. Here is information on the services available for SRD posters and on submission of poster files:
If anyone has any questions about our services, they can find the information on our web page
but to summarize, the requests should:
– be sent to or brought down to our office (DH 33) on a thumb drive
– be either ppt or pdf format
– be sized correctly – be sure the document is sized as a poster and not as an 8.5×11″ document
– no solid dark colored backgrounds – the ink saturates the paper and results in the poster having a puckered texture
Any posters not submitted to the Computer Center by May 2 will have to be printed at other locations (sorry the COS cannot subsidize printing costs). Please plan ahead!
A flier for the COS SRD is also attached. Feel free to invite students from your classes, colleagues from on and off campus, and anyone else who may be interested in the research of COS faculty and students!
Contact me with any questions.
roy okuda

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