Instructor: Prof. Slobodan Simic,
Time and place: MW 1:30-2:45 in MH 234
Prerequisite: Math 133A or instructor consent
Textbook: M. W. Hirsch, S. Smale, and R. L. Devaney, Dierential Equations,
Dynamical Systems and an Introduction to Chaos, 3rd edition, Academic
Press (Elsevier), 2013
What this course is about: It has long been known that only a miniscule fraction of dierential equations can be solved explicitly. Since the sciences and engineering – as well as mathematics – abound in important “unsolvable” differential equations, we need other ways for understanding their solutions. This is where geometry, topology, and computers come to the rescue! Following pioneering ideas of Poincare, we focus on qualitative analysis and ask: what is the asymptotic behavior of “typical” solutions? In Math 134 we will view dierential equations as dynamical systems, i.e., systems which change with time. We will explore the van der Pol oscillator, the Lorentz attractor (both pictured above), the Solar system, and many more. After taking Math 134 you will nally be able to understand how Ian Malcolm the Chaos Expert from \Jurassic Park” saved the world from dinosaurs!
Web page: Go to and click on Math 134.
Note: This class is not offered very often. So sign up for it this semester.