Healthy Lifestyle Principles & Foundations of Group Exercise: New Courses Offered by KIN Department at Timpany Center

Women exercising in pool


When:10/8 from 5 – 9pm (Healthy Lifestyle Principles); 10/13 from 8am-5pm (Group Fitness Leader)What:YMCA Healthy Lifestyles/ACE Group Fitness Leader Certification

Where:Timpany Center

Cost: $120

Healthy Lifestyle PrinciplesCourse Description

YMCA Healthy Lifestyle Principles is the prerequisite course for all other YMCA of the USA Health and Well-Being certification courses. It provides practical and theoretical information for instructors of all YMCA Health and Well-Being programs, including information on effective leadership, basic physical activity and healthy lifestyle principles, and program safety guidelines. The course also covers the YMCA mission, philosophy, and the national program training and certification system.

*    18 years of age, please bring proof
*    Current CPR

Foundations of Group Exercise: Course Description:
This course is designed to train staff members in the basics of conducting all varieties of group exercise classes. Course content includes the practical application of cardiorespiratory and neuromuscular exercise science, leadership and teaching skills for group exercise instructors, behavior modification and motivation information, and a practical session on general exercise selection and execution. This course is the required prerequisite for all other courses in the YMCA of the USA Health and Well-Being Group Exercise track.

*    YMCA Healthy Lifestyle Principles OR Principles of YMCA Health and Fitness certification
*    Current CPR certification
*    Before the course, read the ACE Group Fitness Instructor Manual
*    Minimum age 18 years old

PLEASE CONTACT DR. MEGGINSON IMMEDIATELY IF YOU WANT TO PARTICIPATE IN THIS TRAINING.  Call the Timpany Center (408-283-9036) or email nancy.megginson@sjsu ASAP.

Journey through SJSU History: Dr. Reekie’s Recent Book Documents the History of Kinesiology at SJSU

Our department chair, Dr. Shirley Reekie, recently published a labor of love: Bean Bags to Bod Pods: A History of 150  Years of San José State University’s Department of Kinesiology.

The book is a chronicle of the 150 year history of physical activity, physical education, and Kinesiology  Department at San Jose State University, believed to be the first public system of physical education (kinesiology) in  higher education in the West. The release of this book could not have had better timing as the Department of  Kinesiology celebrates its 150th birthday this semester.

The book was written to inform SJSU students, faculty, alumni, and friends about the rich heritage of SJSU and to  celebrate the growth of the KIN department. By locating the narrative in the context of the major social and political  movements of the times, Dr. Reekie provides a glimpse into U.S. history observed through the lens of physical  activity and its study. As a majority of the students in the early years were women, this history devotes significant  time to women and their important contributions to the institution.

“Bean bags I know. What are Bod Pods?”

Bean bags were a staple piece of low tech, inexpensive equipment used by most early physical educators and, similar  to many good ideas, are still in use today, particularly by elementary educators to teach catching and throwing  patterns. Bod Pods are modern, high tech devices used by researchers to determine the body composition (percent  fat and lean) of a participant by means of a highly accurate measurement of body volume in a sealed chamber. These  two pieces of technology are examples of the dynamic changes that have taken place in our subject area.

Although the book narrative is centered on the story of San José State, it also provides a window to better understand the growth of physical education across the past two centuries.

Copies of the book can be purchase on or in the Kinesiology Office (SPX 56, 9am – 4pm., M-F). Join us  on a journey through higher education in the US, and share in the amazing story of how physical education and  activity have helped shape SJSU.