- System log in using your SJSUOne account with every faculty, staff, and student having automatic access to this system as a Traveler
- Paperless approval routing for both Travel Authorization and Travel Reimbursements – No more routing forms for signature!
- Electronic submission of Travel Reimbursements, uploading supporting documentation and receipts
- Automated email messages, communicating review, approval, and submission information to travelers and Approving Officials
- Review capability for submitted Travel Authorization and Reimbursement requests, allowing the traveler to check on the status of their request and where it is in the approval process
- One trip number assigned, creating a correlation between the Travel Authorization and the Travel Reimbursement
Category Archives: Accounts Payable
Accounts Payable
Changes to Hospitality Guideline
**Original announcement posted in FinanceConnect list serv on 3/6/12**
The SJSU Hospitality Guideline has been updated in accordance with Integrated CSU Administrative Manual policy number 1301.00 (Hospitality, Payment or Reimbursement of Expenses).
Notable changes in the campus guideline are:
- In depth explanation of approved and prohibited hospitality expenses, citing examples
- Clearer definitions of terms cited in the guideline
- Improvements to the funding source table, identifying appropriate funding for various hospitality expenses
In addition, Finance has created a Hospitality Expense Justification form, to be submitted along with other supporting documentation (i.e., invoices, quotes, receipts) when ordering or requesting payment/reimbursement for such expenses.
For complete information, please refer to:
SJSU Hospitality Guidelines- http://www.sjsu.edu/pass/policies/hospitality/index.htm
Hospitality Expense Justification form- http://www.sjsu.edu/pass/docs/ap/forms/hospitality_expense_justification.pdf
Impact: Changes to SJSU’s Hospitality Guideline and new Hospitality Expense Justification Form requirement.