Kai Lim

Kai Lim

MAJOR: Business Admin/International Business

PROGRAM: SJSU Exchange – Sophia University, Japan

EMAIL: kai.lim@sjsu.edu

BIO: As someone who was born in Tokyo and has family over there, I share a strong connection with the city and Japan overall. I want to pursue a career in international business, which may involve long-term travel and interaction with diverse groups of people. Thus, I felt Tokyo to be a more than suitable location for my study abroad.

LEADER, VOLUNTEER, OR JOB EXPERIENCES: I have had two internships and two jobs, one in Tokyo! I was also the Service chair for my fraternity right before I left for exchange. Now I am the Alumni Relations chair for the same fraternity.

GOALS: I was hoping to be more immersed in Tokyo, to experience the life of being a student in Japan. I wanted to explore as many facets of Japan as I could. I was immersed in the fashion, the trendy areas, the local areas, food, nightlife, and general lifestyle. I wanted to make friends from all over, so that when I do further traveling in my own time, I can have points of contact during my travels. The goal was to make lifelong friends, and experience new experiences in Tokyo with them.

Yukata day at Sophia University. We boarded the booze cruise soon after

ACADEMICS: I would say the academics in Japan are easier, as their system has it so that middle and high school are intense, while university is more relaxed (much to the opposite of the United States).I did not want to take a heavy course load so that I can enjoy my time in Japan as much as I could, which I achieved. I even took another Japanese class, which met 5 days a week. I could have taken 2 business classes but I chose Japanese due to myself wanting further immersion.

COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT: It makes me understand more that while every culture has different behaviors and mindsets, people are people at the end of the day. A German likes to party as much as a Brazilian, and a Japanese student likes to hang out and go to cafes like any other American, The world seems so different and vast, but we really are similar.

CAREER: I understood what mannerisms + behaviors are applicable to most people globally. I can just about converse with anyone from many different backgrounds. I figured out how to maintain global friendships.

PERSONAL GROWTH: So much of myself changed due to the study abroad program. I became more social than ever, and living on your own in a different country makes you a more independent individual. Creating friendships from scratch.

IDENTITIES: Being Asian American, especially half Japanese is an interesting dynamic in Japan. In Japan, to be truly Japanese, you need to be a part of the culture, to have grown inside it and understand the niche jokes of the generations.

FUTURE: It helped me a lot with independence and connecting.

TIPS: Talk to as much people as possible. DO Live in a share house with MANY other people. CONGREGATE in the lounge to make friends, and SAY YES to spontaneous adventures.