MAJOR: Journalism
PROGRAM: SJSU Exchange – Edinburgh Napier University, Scotland
EMAIL: isabella.dandoy@sjsu.edu
BIO: My name is Isabella Dandoy (she/her) and I am a senior at SJSU majoring in journalism. I chose to study abroad for personal and professional reasons. I wanted to make new connections with others in my field worldwide and learn from my professors and mentors. I also wanted to grow as an individual by harboring self-confidence and independence.
LEADER, VOLUNTEER, OR JOB EXPERIENCES: At SJSU, I spent a year working on The Spear, SJSU’s sports publication. I spent my first semester as a reporter and my second semester as a content editor. I am also the secretary and one of the musical directors for SJSU’s all-female a Capella club, the Spartan Stellas. Before my study abroad experience, I worked part-time as a retail associate at Tilly’s, a clothing store.
GOALS: I wanted to live independently and solo travel. Academically and professionally, I wanted to learn and connect with other mentors in my field. I wanted to excel in all of my courses and receive high marks. I also wanted to explore every corner of Edinburgh, so that if I returned, I could show my family and friends around in the best way possible.
ACADEMICS: At Edinburgh Napier, I took 3 courses: Digital Media Content Creation, Global Media Industries, and Sports Journalism. I made an effort to connect with each of my professors and always reached out for help or feedback whenever I needed it. I prioritized all of my schoolwork to be finished early so that I could allot the remainder of my time to exploring and traveling. Because the courses work much differently at Edinburgh Napier compared to SJSU, it was easy to adjust when I studied abroad. I was very prepared and motivated to receive high marks in each class.
COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT: At Edinburgh Napier, I joined the book club with one of my international friends. I also joined a neighboring university’s Filipino Society (University of Edinburgh). I was able to meet so many people from different ethnic backgrounds. But it was also nice to meet other students who were also Filipino. In Edinburgh, I was able to tour the city and learn about its culture. I was also able to travel to the Highlands and experience its beauty. Because I come from a family that loves to travel the world, I’ve learned that travel is all about keeping an open mind and immersing yourself into different cultures. Though my travel didn’t change my perspective, it did strengthen it.
CAREER: I was able to further hone my skills in audio and video editing, as well as use my journalistic writing skills in a professional setting at a Scottish Premier Football League match. Through feedback and assistance from my professors and peers, I learned to adopt British English in my writing. I also did lots of presentations and gained more public speaking experience. I learned how to utilize different software like Adobe Audition and Shorthand to tell different stories in an intricate way. Through my courses, I was able to reignite my artistic expression and creativity.
PERSONAL GROWTH: My study abroad experience has granted me a newfound confidence that I wouldn’t have been able to discover elsewhere. Being far away from home, you’re almost forced to be self-reliant and independent. I was motivated to become the best version of myself. Studying abroad was one of the best, yet hardest decisions I’ve ever made, but I’m so grateful I did.
IDENTITIES: There were a couple of times I was met with sexist and bigoted exchange students who disagreed with the sentiments that and me and my female friends shared about equal pay/opportunity. There were also a few racist remarks I received from other exchange students that assumed my ethnicity. Despite all of these obstacles, both of these identities persisted and became even more visible. I was proud of who I was and never hid it.
FUTURE: I have connections around the world, both friendship and professional. I am more willing to leave my hometown of San Jose and grow elsewhere once I’ve graduated. I’m more confident in situations where I don’t know anyone; I’m not as much of an introvert as I was a year prior. Being “new” doesn’t scare me anymore. I’ve learned and honed more technical skills that I can utilize in future journalistic practices.
TIPS: Always keep an open mind and a willingness to learn. No matter what country you decide to study abroad in, your greatest strength as a student abroad is your ability to listen. Learn from those around you and immerse yourself in new cultures. By the time you return home, you can say that you were a local yourself.