Mikhail Benitez

Mikhail Benitez

MAJOR: Business Admin/International Business

PROGRAM: SJSU Exchange – Sophia University, Japan

EMAIL: mikhailhumphrey.benitez@sjsu.edu

BIO: Hi, I’m Mikhail Benitez, and I spent a year studying abroad at Sophia University in Japan. I decided to take on this challenge to immerse myself in a culture that had always intrigued me. Although I had always been fascinated by Japan, living there never seemed like a real possibility – especially since I had never even visited the country before. When I discovered SJSU’s study abroad program, I knew it was the perfect opportunity to experience life in Japan firsthand. It would push me out of my comfort zone, help me grow personally, and allow me to form connections with people from around the world. That’s why I chose to study abroad.

LEADER, VOLUNTEER, OR JOB EXPERIENCES: I’ve never been in any leadership roles but I’ve done a bit of community service before. The only job experience I’ve had is a part-time barista job.

GOALS: My goals for studying abroad were to grow personally and to immerse myself in a new culture. Looking back, I feel accomplished both. I became more confident and greatly improved my self-efficacy. I also learned to be more social, forming friendships with people I never expected. Studying abroad also pushed me to step outside my comfort zone and helped me become more independent. I learned to explore Tokyo alone, to handle paying my bills on time, and solving problems that arise.

A photo I took while surfing in Chiba with friends. The waves were bigger than I expected.

ACADEMICS: I was enrolled in a Japanese language class and business classes, and while the experience was rewarding overall, the first few days were challenging. One of the key challenges of studying abroad is managing your time effectively. I had to find a balance between studying for my courses and making time to explore Tokyo with friends. I didn’t want to spend all my time studying, but I also didn’t want to neglect my academic responsibilities. To stay on track, I wrote down everything I needed to do and carefully managed my time. This approach had a significant positive impact on my academics, allowing me to succeed in my classes while still enjoying my time in Tokyo.

COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT: My study abroad experience significantly broadened my perspective of the world. Immersing myself in the culture of my host country gave me a deeper appreciation for its traditions, values, and way of life. By participating in cultural events and taking language classes at my host university, I connected with the local community and gained insight into everyday life that I wouldn’t have learned as a tourist. Meeting other international students was also a great experience. Learning about their home countries, their customs, and their unique experiences opened my eyes to the diversity of the world. The interaction I had with them motivated me to travel more and explore other cultures firsthand. It was through these conversations that I realized just how small my perspective of the world has been. Studying abroad helped me understand that there is so much more to learn and experience beyond my own familiar surroundings, and it fuels my curiosity to continue broadening my worldview.

CAREER: My study abroad experience significantly broadened my perspective of the world. Immersing myself in the culture of my host country gave me a deeper appreciation for its traditions, values, and way of life. By participating in cultural events and taking language classes at my host university, I connected with the local community and gained insight into everyday life that I wouldn’t have learned as a tourist.

Meeting other international students was also a great experience. Learning about their home countries, their customs, and their unique experiences opened my eyes to the diversity of the world. The interaction I had with them motivated me to travel more and explore other cultures firsthand. It was through these conversations that I realized just how small my perspective of the world has been. Studying abroad helped me understand that there is so much more to learn and experience beyond my own familiar surroundings, and it fuels my curiosity to continue broadening my worldview.

PERSONAL GROWTH: Studying in Japan had a big impact on me, especially in building my confidence. Naturally, I’m a shy and quiet person, and approaching others to introduce myself was something I rarely did. I struggled with low self-confidence and self-efficacy, though I wasn’t sure why. Before leaving for Japan, I made it a goal to work on that. While there, I faced situations that were challenging and uncomfortable. In the past, I would have avoided them, but those experiences ultimately helped me grow. Reflecting on it now, I feel that I made all the right choices, and I returned more confident than when I left.

FUTURE: My experience abroad has equipped me to handle challenging situations more effectively. Moving to a foreign country can feel overwhelming, with so much new information coming at you all at once. During my first few days in Tokyo, I faced several struggles – figuring out how to get an IC card, learning how to navigate buses and trains, and adjusting to living alone in a foreign country. It was intimidating, but it forced me to adapt and grow.

TIPS: My advice to future Global Spartans is to step out of your comfort zone and embrace the challenges that may seem intimidating. Studying abroad is an incredible opportunity for personal growth, as well as for creating lifelong memories with new friends. Don’t hesitate to put yourself out there and fully enjoy the experience. Many of the students I met were initially shy, but by the end of their time abroad, they had gained confidence and were thriving in Japan. So, be bold. Approach your study abroad journey with the goal of having no regrets when its over and you won’t be disappointed.

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