Students are the best representatives of our study abroad & away programs. We invite all Global Spartans (current or former study abroad students) to submit a 40-80 seconds reel-style video of your time on your program showing the various components of an abroad experience including, but not limited to student life, cultural excursions, classroom, travels, and community. We particularly encourage you to show connections with the local community. Be as creative as possible to impress and inform viewers – all genre, format, style (animation, film, stop motion, photo montage, noir, romance, abstract, documentary, etc) are accepted. We are ready to be impressed by your creative summary of your amazing experiences abroad. Winners will be announced sometime in March as part of the Global Spartan Month celebrations of global education and student exchange. Videos will be featured on the Study Abroad & Away website, Abroad View blog, monthly newsletter, and our social media channels (IG, FB, YouTube, etc). Winners will receive prize money!
- Eligibility: Open to all SJSU students or alumni who participated in any of our 400+ study abroad or away programs on the Spartans Abroad Portal.
- Music: Any background music used must be copyright and royalty free such as those used on IG-produced reels.
- Length: 40-80 seconds
- Video format: Any audiovisual multimedia (e.g. video, animation, cell phone, slide show)
- Relevance: Must be original and relevant to the goal of the contest to inform students about your experience and created specifically for this contest.
- Title: All videos for this contest must start with the “Global Spartan: ______ (add your unique title).
- Description: Your video must include a short 70-character description that can be used on social media. We reserve the right to edit video descriptions for space.
- Ownership: All submitted entries including images, photos, captions and name, will be used by SJSU exclusively for promotional reasons. This includes, but is not limited to print, video, and digital mediums. Please note the CSU Video Image Release below.
- Deadline: All video entries must be submitted by March 1, 2025
How to Submit
- All entries must be in a digital format and uploaded to a file sharing service and share it with spartansabroad@sjsu.edu AND vid.raatior@sjsu.edu.
- Send email to spartansabroad@sjsu.edu AND vid.raatior@sjsu.edu with the subject line: “Video Contest: Your Full Name”
- In your email, please include the following information: Your Full Name, Title for your video, a short description and link to the video file.
- Deadline: March 1, 2025.
This inaugural video contest is funded by a marketing grant from the International Student Exchange Program (ISEP)
- First Prize: $100
- Second Prize: $75
- Third Prize: $50
- Honorable Mentions (3): $25
- ISEP Winner: $50 (additional prize for the top winner who participated on an ISEP program)
All prizes will be awarded in the form of SJSU Gold Card which can be used in all on-campus dining services, bookstores, etc.
CSU Video Image Release
By submitting your video, you grant to the Board of Trustees of the California State University and each of its constituent campuses (including the Office of the Chancellor), and their officers, employees, agents, assigns, and volunteers (collectively “CSU”), the irrevocable and unrestricted right and permission to take, use, re-use, publish, and republish photographic portraits, video, or pictures of me or in which I may be included, in whole or in part, or composite or distorted in character or form, without restriction as to changes or alterations, in conjunction with my own or a fictitious name, or reproductions thereof in color or otherwise, made through any medium, and in any and all media now or hereafter known, including, but not limited to educational uses, marketing, public relations, websites, social media, publications, promotions, broadcasts, advertisements, and posters. I also consent to the use of any published matter in conjunction therewith.
I waive any right that I may have to inspect or approve the finished product or products and the advertising copy or other matter that may be used in connection therewith or the use to which it may be applied.
I further acknowledge that I have voluntarily agreed to allow CSU to use my image without the promise of compensation or remuneration in any form whatsoever, and I waive any claim for compensation or remuneration of any kind for CSU’s use or publication of my image except for the published one-time contest prizes.
I release, discharge, and agree to hold harmless the CSU and each of its constituent campuses (including, but not limited to the Office of the Chancellor), and their officers, employees, agents, assigns, and volunteers, from any and all liability for claims by me, my family, or any third parties in connection with my participation, including without limitation, any claims ensuing from or in connection with the taking of my photograph and use or publication of my image, as well as any claims for invasion of privacy, defamation, false light, or misappropriation of name, likeness, or image.
I am at least 18 years of age and competent to agree to this release. I have read the above authorization, release, and agreement. I understand the legal consequences of its contents, meaning, and impact, and I freely accept the terms. This release shall be binding upon me and my heirs, legal representatives, and assigns.
More Information
Contact Vid Raatior (vid.raatior@sjsu.edu) or the team at spartansabroad@sjsu.edu if you have any questions.