Longtime SJSU Athletics Sports Information Director Lawrence Fan Passes Away

Many of you who follow Spartan Athletics know Lawrence Fan, a consummate sports information director who was recognized this past fall for attending more than 500 SJSU football games. It is with a heavy heart that I pass along word of his death late Monday night. 

This Morning’s Incident On Campus

Today, University Police Department took into custody an unaffiliated adult who was on campus shouting anti-Asian and anti-gay slurs and verbally threatened at least one faculty member. At this time, the individual is in custody, will be charged with resisting arrest and disturbing the peace, and appeared to show signs of alcohol intoxication. I want to thank the faculty, staff, students, and our University Police for their response and allyship on the scene. 

Next Week’s Return to Campus

On Monday of next week, we’ll return to in-person instruction. Many members of our staff, faculty, and student body have been here on campus throughout the pandemic keeping the university running, providing the services we all need, and ensuring our full return to campus is a safe one. We owe them a huge thank-you and debt of gratitude.