2021 Fall Welcome Address from President Mary A. Papazian

Hello, members of the San José State campus community! I am delighted to welcome all of you to the Fall 2021 semester. And what a semester this promises to be! I, for one, am very much looking forward to the repopulation of our campus and getting back to some semblance of pre-pandemic normalcy.

The warm, radiant light from SJSU’s graduating class dazzles and soothes

Graduation, as we all know, truly is one of the most important and revered times on the academic calendar. It is an opportunity for us to celebrate and honor our students for the completion of their studies and, for the graduates themselves, it is the realization of a milestone that they have worked toward their entire lives. This week, as members of our Spring 2021 cohort begin to reflect on their college years while making or even finalizing post-graduate plans, graduates will bask in well-earned kudos from family and friends on their achievements.

Celebrating SJSU’s Fall 2020 Graduates While Looking Ahead To The Holidays

As we near the end of a difficult 2020, we have two end-of-year occasions—fall graduation and our extended holiday break—to which we can look forward. Each offers us a welcome respite from the challenges we have faced these past nine months.

Gratitude and best wishes for a safe, restful and healthy long weekend

In the midst of so many challenges—including the new COVID-19 restrictions announced by the State of California last week—we now have an opportunity to refresh and recharge over the upcoming holiday break. For many of us, the long weekend is a time for reflection, connection and for giving thanks for what we have.