The Department of Nutrition, Food Science, and Packaging celebrates it’s 110-year anniversary

In celebration of the Department of Nutrition, Food Science, and Packaging’s 110-year anniversary, let us remember where it all began.

The Nutrition, Food Science, and Packaging Department at San José State University began in 1911 as one of five arms of the Home Economics Department under department head Maude I. Murchie. At this time the department offered courses in foods, nutrition, dietetics, textiles, and needlework and took two years to complete.

In 1917-1918, dietetics curriculum efforts at SJSU were directed toward assisting with nutrition concerns of World War I. By 1923, a four-year program was developed, and in 1924, the Home Economics Department moved into the Home Economics Building. Over time, the concentrations within the Home Economics Department evolved to become Textiles and Clothing, Foods and Nutrition, Child Development, Interior Design, and Marriage and Family.

To learn more about the Department’s history, please visit our History webpage.

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