KIN Department Scholarships and Awards Deadlines Soon!

Kinesiology Students,

There are a number of scholarship awards available within the department, and the deadlines for applications are approaching.
For undergraduates students:
The Clyde Burch Memorial Scholarship, due April 8th, 2019
Steven & Bobby Jensen Living Trust Scholarship, due April 8th, 2019
For PE credential students:
Cathy Buell Scholarship for P.E. Credential Candidates, due May 1, 2019
For more information and application forms go to:
For graduate students:
The Clyde Burch Memorial Scholarship, due April 8th, 2019
Steven & Bobby Jensen Living Trust Scholarship, due April 8th, 2019
David Furst Scholarship, due May 1, 2019
For more information and application forms go to:
Please consider applying and encourage your classmates as well.

KIN Dept Welcomes Two New Faculty in Biomechanics

We are pleased to announce that Dr. JJ Hannigan and Dr. Li Jin have accepted the Biomechanics positions and will be joining us in the Fall 2019 semester. Both earned their M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Human Physiology-Biomechanics at the University of Oregon, Eugene.

JJ also earned a Master’s degree in Athletic Training at St. Louis University and is a certified athletic trainer.  His dissertation was on Neuromuscular Control of the Hip, Pelvis, and Trunk During Running.  Currently a postdoctoral research fellow at Oregon State University, Cascades, JJ is working in the Functional Orthopedic Research Center of Excellence in Bend, Oregon.  His research interests include mechanisms underlying lower extremity injuries, knee osteoarthritis and, recently, maximal running shoes.

JJ’s bio here:

Li JinLi’s dissertation focused on a Kinematic and Kinetic Analysis of Walking and Running Across Speeds and Transitions Between Locomotion States.  He is currently a postdoctoral research fellow at the University of Iowa, working in the Human Performance and Clinical Outcomes Laboratory.  His research interests include gait analysis, footwear evaluation, and prosthetic foot research, including the use of wearable sensors.

Li’s Bio here:

Both have publications and papers under review in journals including the Journal of Applied Biomechanics and Human Movement Science, as well as a number of presentations at professional meetings including the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Biomechanics.