2017-2018 Kinesiology Student Award Winners

Please join us in congratulating this year’s winners of the Kinesiology Scholar and Service Awards. We received very strong applications for both awards, and are pleased to announce the following winners:

For the Scholar Awards our Gold Medal winner was Rachel Christensen, the Silver Medal winner was Charlette Wiggins-Gurich, and the Bronze Medal was awarded to Jacob Manriquez.

For the Service Awards our Gold Medal winner was Cory Low, the Silver Medal winner was Pooja Pal, and the Bronze Medal was awarded to Austin Shen.

In addition to this award Rachel Christensen was a local winner of the American Kinesiology Association winner, and won Honorable Mention for the National Undergraduate Scholar Award! This is the first time that a San José State University student has been recognized at this level.

We want to express my heartfelt congratulations to all our students who are graduating. I hope that you have the opportunity to recognize our Scholar and Service Award winners. They have all made considerable contributions to the field of Kinesiology, demonstrated commitment to their studies, and shown dedication to working in the community.

Service Award

Award Winner

Cory Low Gold – Cory Low
 Pooja Pal Silver – Pooja Pal
 Austin Shen Bronze – Austin Shen

Scholar Award

Award Winner

 Rachel C Gold – Rachel Christensen



 Charlette S Silver – Charlette Shy Wiggins-Gurich
Jacob M Bronze – Jacob Manriquez

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