Timpany Center is Seeking Interns!

Timpany Center is seeking energetic, responsible interns to expand our team. Interns will learn the ins-and-outs of our daily routines and procedures. They will focus on learning client care, time management, curriculum design, facility management, along with many other career developing skills.  The Timpany Center is a partnership between the SJSU Kinesiology Department and Santa Clara County. This is an unpaid internship experience.

Applications are posted at http://www.sjsu.edu/timpany/programs/internships/index.html and are due before February 8, late applications will not be accepted.  They can be email to timpany-outreach@sjsu.edu or delivered in person to 730 Empey Way, SJ 95128.

Frist Aid/CPR Classes at Timpany Center
730 Empey Way
San Jose, CA 95128
Tuesday, February 5th 5p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Wednesday, February 6th 5 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Through lecture and hands on practice, you will be able to respond confidently to emergency situations. Skills and topics include: Adult, Child, Infant CPR and AED use, Adult, Child and Infant Choking, Bleeding Control, Bandaging and Splinting, Cold and Heat related emergencies, how to use the epinephrine injector and much more! This is a 2 year certification provided by EMS Safety Services.

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