Kinesiology Summer Internships 2015

Hello KIN Majors,

This information pertains to anyone planning to do a summer internship (198, 285) or fieldwork course (170D, 280).  You can register for 1, 2, or 3 units this summer.  All paperwork must be in by 4pm Monday May 11th.

The internship page on the KIN website contains the information you need regarding deadlines, forms, syllabi and general information:

Please read through that information and pay particular attention to the University – Organization Agreement (UOA) section.  If the site for your internship/fieldwork is off campus you will need to turn in a UOA (if one does not already exist) in addition to your KIN registration forms.

The original UOC form used this academic year has been retired and replaced with a UOA form.  Shorter/simpler form.  At the URL above you’ll find a link to the UOA and a link to the sites where we have already obtained contracts/agreements which means you need not duplicate that work – the agreements cover a 5-year period.  If your site is not listed there, but you or your site supervisor think there is an agreement in place, check with me.

If you do need to get a UOA, our best results have come through when you email the UOA (which includes instructions) to the person at the community site who has signature authority for formal contracts.  Check to see who that is by asking the person who will be your site supervisor – it might be someone other than the person who will supervise your work at the site.

Once you have the signed hard copy of the contract (if needed) please put it together with your KIN forms.  Bring all forms to the KIN main office (YUH 105) and ask the staff to put them in Dr. Shifflett’s mail box.  Dr. Shifflett will review and assuming all information complete and correct.

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