JAM Wants To Publish Student Research: Call for Manuscripts

by Michael J. Pringle

JAM Wants To Publish Student Research

Call for Manuscripts

It is with great pleasure that we introduce the Journal of Athletic Medicine (JAM).  JAM is an international journal based in Raleigh, North Carolina promoting student research, collegial discussion and learning among medical and allied health science students in the field of Sports Medicine.  The purpose of JAM is to provide an opportunity for undergraduate, graduate, Residency, Fellowship, and post-graduate students to submit original research or professional articles for publication using a peer review format while sponsoring professional discourse.  Publications will occur on a quarterly basis beginning June 1, 2013.  JAM’s June publication will be presented in an electronic journal format found at http://www.jampub.com.  In the near future, the JAM publication will be found in both electronic and hard copy formats.

            Medical and allied health science students are given many writing assignments throughout their college career.  JAM offers an outlet for professors and mentors to encourage students to produce exceptional work for publication.  JAM is interested in receiving manuscripts in the following categories:

1.  Research Article

2.  Evidence Based Research

3.  Original Article

4.  Student Interest Article

5.  In-depth Topic Analysis

6.  Review Article

7.  How-to Article

8.  Tutorials

9.  Best Practice

10.  Emerging Techniques

11.  Case Report

12. Faculty/Student Research

Manuscripts can be submitted at http://www.jampub.com

Recommended Number of References

Long Articles: 20 references from scientific journals.

Short Articles: 10 references from scientific journals.

Case Reports: 6 references from scientific journals.

Rolling Call for Manuscripts

Publication Date/Submission Deadline

June 1/April 15

September 1/July 15

December 1/October 15

March 1/January 15

We encourage the medical and allied health science communities to participate in JAM as we institute an international collegial community encouraging academic discourse among medical and allied health science professionals.

Call for Manuscript Reviewers

JAM is inviting medical and allied health science professionals to become manuscript reviewers.  If you are interested, we are asking that you send us your professional biography including place of employment, education, and contact information to mpringle@jampub.com.

Mission Statement

The Journal of Athletic Medicine (JAM) has been established to enable medical and allied health science students to engage in writing and publishing scholarly articles, medical trends, and best practices in medicine and allied health science settings.  It is the intention of JAM to promote scholarly discourse among students while also acting as a resource for medical information and trends.  Articles are peer reviewed and held to established scientific writing standards.


1.  To create an international medium for student researchers and writers of medical and allied

     health sciences devoted to publishing original research, articles, and case reports.

2.  To promote student research in medicine and the allied health sciences at the international


3.  To provide a resource for the dissemination of academic medical literature devoted to medical

     and allied science students.

4.  To augment the understanding of current research, medical trends, and practices among

     medical and allied health students.

5.  To institute an international forum dedicated to singular and collaborative research amongst


6.  To encourage research, article writing, and scientific investigation among medical and allied

     health science students.

7.  To provide a forum where students of various medical and allied health science disciplines

     exchange ideas and engage in academic discussion.

Journal of Athletic Medicine |11200 Governor Manly Way |Suite 309 |Raleigh, NC 27614 |

Fax 855-270-3292 |www.JamPub.com |mpringle@jampub.com|Twitter: JamPub @jampub1 

Michael J. Pringle
Editor-in-Chief: The Journal of Athletic Medicine
Twitter: jampub @jampub1

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