Silicon Valley Innovation Challenge 2021

About the Author: Sharadhi Rao is an international graduate student studying Industrial & Systems Engineering. Sharadhi is also serving as one of the student leads for the Silicon Valley Innovation Challenge this year.

Drive your career to the forefront by being a part of SVIC 2021.

As an international student myself, I came to the US for the exposure, for the freedom to explore, experiment and excel, to make my mark in this world. What better way than giving life to our ideas.

The Silicon Valley Innovation Challenge (SVIC) is a competition hosted every year, where students are given opportunities to showcase their ingenious ideas to a wide range of investors, industry experts, SJSU faculty and peers. The mission of the SVIC is to provide the necessary tools and guidance to enable students to take their innovative business ideas to the next level. 

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Accepting SVIC Submissions!

Written by Brisdy Carrillo Vega, SVIC Student Lead

SVIC submissions are now open! You can register to participate through the SVIC website here or you can register directly through the YouNoodle website here. Deadline for all submissions is on November 5th.

We currently have 9 international teams who are looking for a local SJSU student to join them. If you are interested in participating in this year’s SVIC and would like to join a team, this is the perfect opportunity. 

Here are a few details about the teams and their ideas. Feel free to reach out to the teams via email if you are interested in joining or if you have any questions about their ideas. You can also contact the SVIC team at

If you have any questions regarding the submission process or about the event in general, you can always visit us during office hours via Zoom on Monday and Thursday from 5:00 to 6:00 pm. Or, email us at

We are looking forward to seeing you in this year’s SVIC!

2020 Silicon Valley Innovation Challenge

Written by Brisdy Carillo Vega, Student Lead, Silicon Valley Innovation Challenge (SVIC)


Get involved in the Silicon Valley Innovation Challenge this semester! The SVIC is a business ideas competition hosted every year where students are given the opportunity to showcase their innovative idea to a wide range of investors, industry leaders, members of the community, and SJSU faculty. Registration to participate will open on Oct. 22 via our website,

This year we are also using the Piazza platform to connect to students. It is a great way for students to meet others and to foster ideas for the event. To sign up follow the link: (password: SVIC2020)

You can always reach the SVIC team at and we do have office hours on Mondays and Thursdays from 5 – 6pm via Zoom. Don’t forget to download the SVIC flyer and keep the following important dates in mind:

  • Submissions Open October 22-November 5
  • Finalist Notification: November 17
  • Finalist Showcase: December 1

We hope to see you at the event!