FTS System Updates- Direct Payment and Employee/Student Reimbursement Vouchers

**Original announcement posted in FinanceConnect on 4/30/12**

In conjunction with the release of the enhanced Travel component in Financial Transaction Services (FTS), slight modifications have been made to the functionality of the Sales Tax and Freight fields within the Direct Payment Vouchers and Reimbursements.

Direct Payment Vouchers
The Chartfield Amount field is now automatically populated by the Invoice Subtotal amount instead of the invoice Grand Total.  This was done to prevent the duplication of Sales Tax and Freight amounts on the CFS voucher.  The Sales Tax and Freight will be charged to the chartfield distribution indicated.

The Sales Tax and Freight fields have been grayed out and are no longer functional, as currently, there is no purpose to having these amounts broken out.  The Invoice Subtotal should be the total amount to be reimbursed and the rest of the amount fields will auto-populate.

New! Travel Authorization and Reimbursement Component in Financial Transaction Services (FTS)

**Original announcement posted in FinanceConnect list serv on 3/19/12**

The Finance Service Group is happy to announce the implementation of a new Travel Authorization and Reimbursement component of Financial Transaction Services (FTS). With Go Live scheduled for Wednesday, April 4, 2012, the new component features a number of enhancements including:
  • System log in using your SJSUOne account with every faculty, staff, and student having automatic access to this system as a Traveler
  • Paperless approval routing for both Travel Authorization and Travel Reimbursements – No more routing forms for signature!
  • Electronic submission of Travel Reimbursements, uploading supporting documentation and receipts
  • Automated email messages, communicating review, approval, and submission information to travelers and Approving Officials
  • Review capability for submitted Travel Authorization and Reimbursement requests, allowing the traveler to check on the status of their request and where it is in the approval process
  • One trip number assigned, creating a correlation between the Travel Authorization and the Travel Reimbursement
The new travel component is very user friendly and training is not required. An online reference guide will be available on the MySJSU Website shortly after Go Live.
Details about the new Travel Authorization and Reimbursement component will be presented at the Finance Spring 2012 What’s Up? Meeting, scheduled Wednesday, April 4, 2012 from 2:00 – 3:30pm in Engineering 189. This meeting is primarily attended by campus Finance Users.
Please share this information with staff and faculty in your area as appropriate. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our FinanceConnect Hotline at 4-1558 or financeconnect@sjsu.edu.