Student Spotlight: Hungyeh (Alvin) Lin

Alvin Lin

Hung Yeh (Alvin) Lin

Major: Computer Science, BS

Home Town: Taipei, Taiwan

Alvin is the undergraduate recipient of the 2020 Louie Barozzi International Scholarship.

What is your dream job?

My dream job is to initiate a start-up to mitigate the gap of education between the rich and the poor using technology.

What types of activities are you involved in at SJSU or in your community?

I am involved in programming competitions and research work with CS professors.

What is something you want others to know about your hometown, home country, or culture?

Many people love boba, but few know where it comes from. Yes, it is from Taiwan, and there are thousands of boba shops in Taiwan. Come to Taiwan, and you will never regret it.

What do you enjoy most about SJSU?

What I love about SJSU is that the school gym is so huge and full of professional equipment. I always spend one to two hours in the gym before class. Sometimes, I meet friends or make friends in the gym. Working out really relieves my tension from the coursework.

Where is your favorite spot on campus and why?

My favorite spot on campus is the 6th, 7th, and 8th floor in the library. The library is so quiet, and it has a very beautiful view that I can focus on studying and take a break when I am tired.

What do you wish you would have known sooner about life in the U.S. or SJSU?

I wish I would have known that there are abundant resources on campus, such as professors, clubs, and classmates. I always feel surprised when I talk to people on campus because many of them are doing really cool things and I would never discover it if I did not talk to them. For example, I did not know there was a AI club until I talked to a CS professor. Hence, I wish I would have talked to every person I met although it is almost impossible. But trust me, you will find out that everyone is your friend, and they can help succeed on campus.

What message do you have for our Global Spartan community?

Slow down and enjoy the school life. Make friends and help others because they will come back and help you as well.

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