Safely Honoring our Spring 2021 Graduates

Though it is early in the semester, I know there is great interest in the University’s plans to recognize our spring graduates this coming May. Despite the impacts on our daily lives brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, we are determined to celebrate important milestones and support and honor our graduates in an uplifting and memorable way. 

Institutional values help elevate SJSU’s “Most Transformative” ranking

Last August, we were delighted to learn that Money magazine had ranked San José State University the “Most Transformative University” in the nation. It is a distinction that makes us all very proud, of course. But what does it truly mean for SJSU to be the “most transformative” university?

Welcome to Spring 2021 Semester!

Welcome to spring semester—and to a long-awaited 2021. I hope you had a restful and enjoyable holiday season. Despite the realities of the ongoing public health and economic crisis as well as the recent stresses on our democracy that we all witnessed in recent weeks, we press on with our educational mission. It is gratifying, in fact, to know that so many students are continuing—or just beginning—their higher education journeys here at San José State.

Today’s Protests on Capitol Hill

Today, January 6, 2021, the United States Congress gathered to certify the 2020 Presidential Election. This act is an important, if largely ceremonial, part of our nation’s democratic process. Some lawmakers indicated in advance that they planned to issue formal objections to the recent presidential election. Though many anticipated that organized protests would also take place during today’s proceedings, what we are now seeing unfold on Capitol Hill has been met with alarm and concern.

Celebrating SJSU’s Fall 2020 Graduates While Looking Ahead To The Holidays

As we near the end of a difficult 2020, we have two end-of-year occasions—fall graduation and our extended holiday break—to which we can look forward. Each offers us a welcome respite from the challenges we have faced these past nine months.