Dr. Emily Wughalter Named as 42nd Fellow of the National Association for Kinesiology in Higher Education

repost from CHHS Blog: http://blogs.sjsu.edu/chhs/2019/02/08/dr-emily-wughalter-named-as-42nd-fellow-of-the-national-association-for-kinesiology-in-higher-education/
Congratulations to Dr. Emily Wughalter, Professor, Department of Kinesiology, on being named the 42nd Fellow of the National Association for Kinesiology in Higher Education (NAKHE). Emily’s ongoing commitment to NAKHE leadership, scholarship, and the training of young professionals makes her an outstanding choice for this recognition.

The Fellows designation is given to professionals in the field of Kinesiology who have made significant contributions to NAKHE for ten years or more. Emily’s leadership in the association has been exceptional, and for this leadership she is being recognized. Leadership in NAKHE is not the only criteria for Fellow status. Emily’s scholarly productivity has added to the body of knowledge in Kinesiology in a meaningful way, one of the most important criteria for Fellowship. “Your leadership and scholarly contributions have extended beyond the field of Kinesiology to your home institution, community, and beyond – contributions that bring distinction to university professors in Kinesiology,” says Steven Estes, Fellow #12, NAKHE.

In addition, Emily has been invited to deliver the Rachel Bryant Lecture at the Society of Health and Physical Educators, (SHAPE America) National Convention in Tampa, Florida in April. “This is a tremendous honor to be invited to deliver a lecture in Rachel Bryant’s name and to be recognized by national colleagues in Kinesiology,” says Emily Wughalter. Rachel Bryant was the Executive Director of the National Association for Girls and Women in Sport for 21 years when she led an organization that inspired tremendous change and created sporting opportunities for girls and women. This lecture in her name is to honor an individual who continues her legacy by leading, developing, participating, and organizing programs for sporting girls and women.