Our goal is to determine whether the ACSM equations for predicting energy expenditure during stationary cycling are accurate for adults over 50 years-of-age. 

Participants must be 51-85 years-of-age, not taking medications that affect heart rate, and have no known cardiovascular, pulmonary, or metabolic disease. The test takes about 1 hour. We measure resting energy expenditure for 10 minutes, followed by cycling at light to moderate intensity (5 min workloads) until heart rate reaches 75% of age-predicted maximal heart rate (e.g, 124 beats per minute for a 60 year-old). Oxygen consumption is measured at each workload. This is NOT a max test. Participants will receive information on their resting energy expenditure (Calories expended), and we can estimate aerobic capacity from the submaximal data.
If you are interested and eligible, or know someone who might be interested, please contact us. For more information or to schedule an appointment, e-mail VO2study@yahoo.com.
To evaluate equations used to predict oxygen consumption (VO2) during exercise on a bicycle ergometer.
Men and women, 51-85 years-of-age, with no signs/symptoms or known cardiovascular, pulmonary, or metabolic disease.
When and What:
Individuals will perform 15-30 minutes of submaximal exercise on a stationary bicycle while their oxygen consumption is measured. Testing will take place in the Exercise Physiology Laboratory at San José State University. Participants will receive information about their resting metabolic rate.