Dr. Masucci Re-Appointed Chair of Kinesiology Department

Please join us in congratulating Dr. Matthew Masucci on his re-appointment as Chair of the Department of Kinesiology!

We are very proud of Dr. Masucci’s achievements and leadership. Under his guidance, the Department has seen positive growth across our programs and faculty.

Matthew’s longtime interest in bicycle racing has led to international presentations and published research as well as a project exploring the meaning a local cycling community.

Matthew is an active participant in several professional organizations including the North American Society for the Sociology of Sport (NASSS) and serves as the co-director of the Department of Kinesiology Qualitative Research Laboratory.

Click here for bio: http://www.sjsu.edu/kinesiology/contacts-1/Profiles/Masucci/

ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Matthew_Masucci

Confident Calm Hallmark of KIN Dept Chair Dr. Shirley Reekie’s Leadership

Dr. Shirley Reekie has served at all levels in the Kinesiology Department at SJSU. She has most recently completed 8 years of service as Department Chair, steering the department  with savvy and forward thinking through troubled and calm waters. Her accomplishments are legion; her legacy extensive.

“Over the past eight years Dr. Shirley Reekie has provided extraordinary leadership as chair of the Department of Kinesiology. She has guided the faculty, staff, and students through unprecedented growth in undergraduate majors, impaction, furloughs, the worst of financial constraints, nurtured the start up of the Timpany Center, mobilized and led efforts with students and faculty in support of the physical activity requirement, proactively dealt with curricular changes related to the SB 1440/STAR Act, spent untold hours on the planning and implementation of SPX building renovations, rejuvenated our alumni reunions, welcomed visiting international scholars, met with prospective donors, and through it all helped the department weather all storms and provide a dynamic academic environment for our students. A high five and thank you to an exceptional colleague!” stated Dr. Bethany Shifflett

We will post a long read in Fall on her awesome accomplishments and tenure as Kinesiology Department Chair. Until then, join us in congratulating Dr. Reekie on an incredible 8 years of service as KIN Dept. Chair.

Honoring CASA 2011-2012 Outstanding Professor Dr. Shirley Reekie

Please join us in congratulating Dr. Shirley Reekie, Department Chair of Kinesiology, who was recently honored as the CASA Outstanding Professor 2011-2012.  A faculty member since 1982, she has served as the Department Chair of Kinesiology since 2006. She has taught a wide variety of courses across all four programs in Kinesiology: Graduate, Undergraduate, General Education, and Activity. As the department Advising Manager from 1989-1994, she mentored thousands of students. Her contributions are substantial, highlighted by exemplary teaching, service, and scholarship at San José State University, representing the best of the Spartan Spirit.

Dr. Reekie’s scholarship includes publications in national and international comparative physical education and sport journals, and education journals, book chapters on sport in China, and encyclopedia entries on sailing, kayaking, and sport history. She has published a book on sailing and just published a second book, Bean Bags to Bod Pods: A History of 150 Years of San José State University’s Department of Kinesiology.

With an eye cast toward global sport, she created the Center for International Physical Education and Sport in 1991 and continues to serve as the Director of the Center, sponsoring student and faculty international exchanges, including study programs for students from various Chinese universities.

A water sport enthusiast, Dr. Reekie developed the sailing, kayaking, and rowing programs at SJSU.  Over the last 18 years, she has obtained approximately $60,000 in grant funding to purchase sailboats and kayaks. During her tenure at SJSU, Dr. Reekie has instructed over 3,000 students in these lifetime physical activities. As a competitive sailor and Master’s level rower, she models an active lifestyle. Her unabashed enthusiasm for physical activity is transferred to her students and faculty.

Community service has been an additional focus of her career, including work with Santa Clara County Parks and Recreation, City of San Jose Parks and Recreation, and Los Gatos Rowing Club.

Through her teaching excellence, commitment to students, scholarship, and service to the university, community, and professional organizations, Dr. Reekie exemplifies the qualities of an Outstanding Professor.