Sport Management Professionals Review Security after Boston Tragedy


by Sonja Lilienthal

In the wake of the tragedy in Boston many sport management professionals have begun to examine proper security protocols.

Along these lines, here is an interesting article covering how the Boston Marathon Bombings have affected the Fitness Club Industry:

Also, view this video clip from ESPN with Lou Marciani, Director of the National Center for Spectator Sports Safety and Security, who discusses the safety protocols and challenges facing organizers of sporting events. It includes some good statements about Saftey and Security at open events like a marathon, and provides a sense of fuure security of sport events:
Food for thought for all sport management students and professionals.

Sport Safety and Security Information

by Sonja Lilienthal

In the wake of today’s horror at the Boston Marathon, I am writing with some educational information about Sport Event Safety and Security. The KIN 153 Event Management class was assigned to listen and answer questions about this material not more than two weeks ago. As we know, since Sept 11, all sporting events have been the focus of potential terror and security considerations.

FYI:  There is a National Center for Spectator Sports Safety and Security [NCS4] (est. in 2006) at the University of Southern Mississippi.

Their focus is addressing threats and risks to the safety and security of sporting events. The site has many resources, certifications etc

The 4th Annual National Sports Safety and Security Conference and Exhibition will be held on July 16-18, 2013, Orlando.

There are two free webinars available for listening. Must log-in and create account to view these webinars.

1.  A FREE WEBINAR recorded on Dec 1, 2011.

Webinar Title: Sport Safety and Security Considerations for the Sport Management Professional

In this free webinar, Stacey Hall, coauthor of Security Management for Sports and Special Events, discusses considerations for successful management of sport event security. By examining the current security landscape as well as industry trends, viewers will understand the importance of risk assessment and personnel training to prepare staff for various security threats. Dr. Hall also provides helpful exercises and discussion questions for current and future sport managers.

INSTRUCTIONS to access Webinar

1. Navigate to the following site

2. CLICK on the blue box Sign in to watch this webinar

3. You will have to create a Human Kinetics Account to view this webinar. This is free and will also give you access to multiple sources of excellent material for ALL of your Kinesiology classes.

4. CLICK on the BUTTON: View Recorded Webinar

TIPS: Be patient while the webinar loads and don’t try to rewind and FF too much, the webinar is slow to respond. Do use the PAUSE and RESTART buttons to give you time to write your answers?

2.  Gate Entry Issues at Sport Events recorded in Feb 2013 – 45 mins