Paid Internship Position:


Spring 2014 semester, 15-20 hours a week, $16-19 an hour

The SJSU Social Impact Internship Program will engage five to seven SJSU students in a semester-long internship where students will have the opportunity to develop and advocate for social impact projects focusing in Santa Clara County.

The SJSU Social Impact Internship Program is particularly interested in projects that address poverty and inequality, and deal with such issues as employment, a living wage, education, housing, health care, food security, or immigrant rights.

The five to seven student interns are expected to complete 15-20 hours a week in the internship, and will be compensated at $16-19 an hour. This internship is open to undergraduate and graduate students from all majors, as well as full-time and part-time students. Starting date is mid-January, 2014 and will go until mid-May, 2014.

To apply, email to or
a 2-4 page letter explaining your social action project, which could be in the idea phase, start-up phase, or in mid-stream. Your letter should include: a description of the project; goals of the project; possible allies to work with; an evaluation of the chances for success, as well as a discussion of your previous social action work

a letter of recommendation from a faculty or staff member, or other qualified person who knows the quality of your work

college transcripts (a copy is acceptable)

Social Security number or Tax ID number

If you prefer, you can mail the above information to Dr. Scott Myers-Lipton, Department of Sociology and Interdisciplinary Social Sciences (SISS), One Washington Square, SJSU, San Jose, 95192-0122 or put it under the office door of Dudley Moorehead Hall (DMH) 210. Deadline for the application isMonday, November 18 at 5 pm.

The Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors funds the SJSU Social Impact Internship Program. In late November, a list of qualified applicants will be sent to the Board of Supervisors, and upon review, selections will be made. Students will be notified in mid-December if they have been selected to be a Social Impact Intern.

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