Department of Kinesiology 150th Anniversary Alumni Event

Calling all KIN Alumni. Did you know that 2012 marks our 150th birthday?

In 1862, the State Normal School outlined a physical education program and during the fall advertised and then hired Mademoiselle Adele Parot to teach our first classes. Whether you were in Men’s PE, Women’s PE, Human Performance, or Kinesiology, you are “one of us.”

It’s time to celebrate! It’s been five years since our last alumni reunion and we’re pleased to invite you to the next, to be held on Saturday, April 21, in the newly re-painted SPX 89 (gym near quad). As the entire buildings will be totally renovated in 2013-14 (men’s gym in 2013 and women’s gym in 2014), this will also be the last time to see the buildings as maybe you remember them. The refurbishing will keep the ”shells” of all buildings but will completely replace what’s inside.

These are exciting times for the department. We now have over 900 undergraduate majors and over 100 graduate students!! We hope that not only will you want to come back and see old friends and reminisce but that you will also want to talk with current students, faculty and staff to find out what we are up to these days.

The program for the day includes:

10:30 AM arrival, coffee/tea will be served by current students

11 AM and 11:30 AM walking tours of campus led by students

11:30 AM and 12:00 noon walking tours of department led by students

1 PM lunch and reminiscences–please send in advance or bring on the day photographs etc. with you for display; prizes for oldest alums, farthest traveled, etc. If you can email pictures in advance for inclusion in a display, please do so to (our student assistant) by April 2 or enclose with check (write name/address on back and these will be returned).

3:00-4:00 PM tour of Timpany Center (our off-campus facility for older folks/those with disability—4 miles away near Valley Med; directions given out at event). Swim!!

Shirley Reekie, Department Chair

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