2025 Global Spartan Month Fair

Each March, we celebrate the benefits of international education and cultural exchange through a series of events we call Global Spartan Month (GSM). There are many ways to participate in GSM, from attending events that get you to make connections with people from around the world, to learning more about opportunities to study in another country, to participating in workshops that will help you broaden your global mindset. Our biggest event is our GSM Fair.

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2023 Global Spartan Photo Contest Winners

Each spring, International Student & Scholar Services hosts the annual Global Spartan Photo Contest. Our goal is to share a variety of cultural perspectives through photography and short narratives. As such, each photo submission is accompanied by a short narrative that explains the cultural significance of the photo from the photographer’s perspective. Narratives answer the questions: What aspect of culture does this photo represent? and Why is this photograph important to me?

The Most Impactful Narrative and Top 10 Photos are selected by the Global Spartan Month Planning Committee. In-person voting is open to the general public at our annual Global Spartan Month Fair in March, followed by online voting via social media.  Once the voting period is over, the in-person and online votes are tallied to determine the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Place Fan Favorites.

Congratulations to this year’s winner and all of our Top 10 finalists! Thank you for submitting such outstanding photos and sharing your unique cultural perspectives with us! Continue Reading…

Gearing up to Graduate: Alumni Panel

Graduating is exciting, but as an international student, finding a job after graduation can be stressful. This panel discussion is an opportunity to meet SJSU international alumni, who will share about their experience preparing for and beginning their professional life post-graduation. As recent graduates currently on OPT, they understand first-hand how challenging it can be to navigate the job search while also being mindful of immigration regulations. ISSS is pleased to partner with the Career Center to bring you this important and timely panel discussion.

Scroll down for videos and to meet the Panelists!

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Engagement and Support Strategies for SJSU Internationalization: Lessons from the Field

The International Programs and Students Committee (IPSC) and the Center for Faculty Development (CFD) invite you to attend a special panel discussion: Engagement and Support Strategies for SJSU Internationalization: Lessons from the Field.

The two-part event series will feature a panel of seasoned faculty at SJSU who have championed moving forward international opportunities and promoting global learning. Their stories are powerful in helping understand the significance of campus internationalization and the key role faculty play.

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