Celebrate Earth Day!

Every year on April 22, Earth Day is celebrated around the world.  Earth Day was found by SJSU alumni Senator Gaylord Nelson in 1970.  Earth Day would come “to provide a voice to emerging environmental consciousness, and putting environmental concerns on the front page.” Learn more about the history of Earth Day at earthday.org. The theme of Earth Day 2021 is ‘Restore our Earth’.

Although the COVID 19 pandemic dampened last year events restrictions are now easing throughout Santa Clara County. There are many opportunities for you to participate, attend, or get involved in 2021 from community-led clean-up efforts, Earth Day challenge Run/Walk, to environmentally-themed lectures and events.

You do not have to go far, learn about what is happening on campus, as SJSU Office of Sustainability is turning Earth Day into Earth Month. Their mission is to devote April to educating Spartans on issues from climate change, environmental justice, food and clothing waste, drought-tolerant landscaping, and more.  A full calendar of events is available at bit.ly/SJSUEARTHMONTH2021. Check out the short videos, panel discussions, podcasts, presentations, and more.  Attend a class or two, become involved!

Perhaps you prefer a different approach, you rather watch or read about a particular issue, to increase your understanding of climate literacy or conservation knowledge. Documentaries can be an effective way to introduce yourself to a new topic or gain more in-depth knowledge. They give you time to absorb the information and the opportunity to reflect. Here is a suggested list of must-watch environmental documentaries from Global Citizen.org. Last spring I discovered the 2018 Netflix docuseries “Rotten,” about the food supply chain. It is provocative and thought-provoking, easy to watch.

Do you have a memorable past Earth Day event from here in the United States or back in your home country? Or do you have a favorite environmentally-themed documentary or film that you would recommend to others? Share, sound out, add your comment below.

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