Sumeet Deshpande

Sumeet is in his first year at San José State University, studying a Master’s in Software Engineering and is expected to graduate in December of 2021. 

At eCampus, Sumeet is responsible for primarily assisting SJSU students, faculty & staff members to advance the effective usage of instructional learning software tools, such as Canvas, Adobe Creative Cloud, and Zoom. 

Although Sumeet recently joined the eCampus Team, what helped with working remotely was, “the colleagues and seniors at eCampus, who were extremely helpful. And in no time at all, I was able to adapt to the new style of working and perform to the best of my abilities.”

For Sumeet, his favorite part of the job being a student assistant at eCampus is working on the development and maintenance of the websites that the department is responsible for. One of the most exciting projects he worked on was SJSU’s Learn Anywhere website. He felt extremely proud to have created a website that catered to the needs of the students that allowed them to adapt to the new learning environment. 

When asked about his future plans, he said, “I aspire to evolve myself into a qualified expert in the construction of software products by using ingenious advancements from revolutionary Computer Science streams. It is my dream to lead the development of a software application which would help create a significant impact on people’s lives by solving their problems in a simpler and cost-efficient manner.”

Dharmang Solanki

Dharmang studied Science in Software Engineering and is currently pursuing a Master’s degree at San José State University. He is a VR/AR student assistant at the eCampus. He is responsible for any work relating to VR/AR technology in the classroom and helps create web pages for the university website for SJSU students, faculty, and staff. 

Dharmang will always lend a helping hand whenever asked and explain a solution. For him, “the friendly staff and helpful superiors made the on-boarding smooth and easy. It was easy to get along with other people at the office and always nice to help other faculty members.”

His favorite part of the job at eCampus is to work on Spartan VR Chemistry Lab, which was the most rewarding experience because he got to work with an experienced game developer, VR expert and graphic artist to complete the project. 

When asked about his future plans, he said that, “I have always been intrigued by the world of gaming and wanted to join the game industry. I wish to meet new people in the game industry and learn more about game development and immersive technology. After completing my masters, I want to gain relevant industry experience as a software developer in the game industry. Eventually, in future I wish to start my own indie game studio.” 

Ayushi Singh

Ayushi is pursuing a MS in Software Engineering at San José State University and is expected to graduate in December of 2020.

As a student assistant working at eCampus, Ayushi helps with technical support for the SJSU community, answering any questions or concerns anyone might have. For Ayushi, she was really impressed with the eCampus team’s work ethics and professionalism when she first started. She felt fortunate to have been a part of such an amazing and cohesive environment and would love to continue contributing to the team.

Ayushi’s favorite part of the job is interacting with the professors and the students while helping them solve their issues. In addition, she was able to develop her skills of using instructional softwares such as Canvas, Zoom, iClickers, and etc.

When asked about her future plans, Ayushi said that she will be joining Amazon Web Services in February 2021 as a Software Development Engineer 1.

Building Community and Engagement Online in 2020

Virtual Backgrounds

Welcome to Fall 2020. Hopefully we are settling in nicely to the new semester. My name is Allyson Gomez, SJSU alum and adjunct lecturer. What a year! I was a mentor for the Online Summer Certificate Program designed by eCampus, the Center for Faculty Development, and the Office of Diversity. This program helped prepare over 900 faculty members for online teaching. You can check out more offerings on the eCampus Support Page. I had a full circle moment this summer, being able to mentor and work with faculty who taught me 10+ years ago.

During the course, one question kept coming up: how do we get to know our students virtually, how do we keep them engaged virtually, and how do we foster a community or classroom environment virtually? Online learning is not new. The University of Phoenix offered their first online program in 1989, and through the years online degrees have become more widely accepted. Online technology has advanced by leaps and bounds with more efficient internet connectivity and improved video conferencing capabilities. More recently, people’s opinions have changed about remote learning due to COVID and shelter in place orders. Just as managers resisted employees working from home or remotely – some faculty resisted virtual learning and online courses over concerns that students may not be truly engaged and immersed in learning the subject matter. However, given the current pandemic we must challenge our preconceived notions on virtual learning for education and safety sake.

Regardless of format, I believe that the fundamental concepts of teaching and learning are the same and have not changed. It requires a shift in mindset (perhaps slight, small, or a big change depending on the technology learning curve) in order to succeed. We must teach and foster relationship building with our students through lesson planning, class interactions, activities, assessments, homework, and office hours.

So how do we foster a dynamic, inclusive learning environment for our students in a virtual world?

Here are 8 simple engagement strategies, because 8 is great!

This blog focuses on Zoom’s feature as it is SJSU’s webinar of choice…

#1: Camera On: There’s a big debate about mandating camera preferences because of accessibility, bandwidth, and private learning spaces. I understand the concerns, and ultimately believe that turning on the camera allows for increased media richness when we cannot meet face to face. So much gets lost in translation in the virtual world. A camera can help build connections and assist in reading moods and reactions. It also encourages accountability (my students cited they would be more likely to multi-task and zone out if cameras were off during class). Let’s encourage more formal, respectful, and engaging interactions by keeping the camera on. At the very least, I ask for cameras on during ice-breakers and in breakout rooms. Note: I make a disclaimer that it is okay if there are kids or roommates coming in and out of the background; it’s part of 2020. If a student is unable to have his/her camera on, let the class know via chat. No explanation needed.

#2: IceBreakers: I am a huge fan. These are low-stake opportunities for students to learn how to speak in front of a camera and bond with others. What is your major/year? What city do you live in? Favorite sports team? Binge worthy show? As a business lecturer, I may base questions on our readings or future activities: one word value, name a company that does branding well (no repeats), who is a thought leader, etc. Think of fun check-in ideas.

#3 Breakout Rooms: Another thing we miss out on in the virtual space is having impromptu conversations. Practice organizing folks into groups before class, during breaks, during activities, or at the last 5 minutes of class. This can be great during long classes and gives students a chance to bond with one another. Zoom is now rolling out a feature (5.3.0) where students can self-select into rooms—making it more convenient for everyone involved. [Pro tip: Most students may groan at group work, but they cheer for breakout group activities during class].


#4 Polling and #5 Chat: Engagement is key. Changing it up is key. What better way than to use Zoom tools? I use these tools throughout my lectures and concept explanations. In the physical classroom, I would normally have students walk over to the right or left side of the room as I ask binary True/False questions or choose option A or B stance on ethical dilemmas. I cannot quite tally 50 folks walking around their respective rooms, so I have introduced quick polling by creating a blank question with a “yes” or “no” answer choice. This allows me to receive rapid feedback from the class. I will ask the class: Are we ready for a break? And launch the blank poll question: Yes/No. Did the manager act in the most ethical way? Yes/No. I read back the feedback, 75% said no, tell me more. This works for True/False and 5-point rating scale questions too. When a poll cannot quite capture the essence, or I want more qualitative or subjective answers, I use the chat feature– 75% said no and 25% yes. Tell me more in the chat. While we wait for folks to type, can two people unmute your microphone and answer why you selected “Yes” or “No?” I spend time reading the comments out loud and ask for additional insights. [Pro tip: If a student can do the dishes or workout during a live class – maybe the lesson can be a recording].

As people share their insights or present topics in class, the #6 Reactions feature helps students express emotions or applaud classmates. These 5 second pop up emojis build classroom interactions without being too distracting. I encourage students to use the reactions tool.

Another way to solicit reactions and engagement is through screen sharing and allowing #7 Annotations. While sharing your screen or PPT, students can add their own drawings or notes. You can also put up a white board and have students draw for a while whether they are literally connecting the dots between two concepts, playing Jeopardy, or doodling. Using breakout activities and different modes of interaction can increase engagement. Note the tools may look different based on your device and OS (Windows, Mac, or Linux).…which leads me to…

#8 Breaks. Ironically taking time away from the class can really boost the brain and further student engagement. Think of it as a mini recharge or caffeine hit. Though a nice cup of coffee or energy drink works too. [Pro tip: Take 30 seconds and look away from your screen right now! Your eyes will thank you].

After speaking with colleagues, the biggest concern this semester (aside from learning new technologies) was getting to know your students, keeping them engaged and fostering a community, virtually. Hopefully, I’ve shared some useful ideas to help you better engage with your students.

In future posts, I’ll dive deeper into engagement and fostering an online community through assignments, before/after class, office hours, feedback, and more. 2020 has thrown a lot of new challenges at us. And through all of this, I am proud to be part of the SJSU community. We have been resilient and come together. If you have any questions or want to brainstorm student and classroom engagement ideas, send me an email at Thank you. Stay safe (and sane).

🛠️ Tools, tools, and [more] tools!

As the summer winds down, I know many of you are in the midst of online course design for your fall classes. If you haven’t already, please check out eCampus for resources to assist in online pedagogy, course design and development, and instructional technologies. Here are three key resources I recommend.

SJSU Teach Online Canvas course
(access to the Canvas course content from the SJSU Teach Online Summer Certificate Program; Canvas log-in required to access materials)
Equity and Inclusion Frameworks in Design in Online Settings module
(strategies and resources for creating inclusive learning environments; this module is housed within the above referenced SJSU Teach Online Canvas course)
SJSU Canvas Course Template
(eCampus designed template that “prepares the recommended structure and elements for your online course and can be imported into your blank Canvas course”)

In this post, I share tools (as the title aptly states) for both productivity and teaching and learning.

Productivity Tools

Teaching and working from home while balancing personal responsibilities is beyond a juggling act. Here are a few tools to save you time, increase your productivity, and most importantly, maintain your sanity. 

Google Keep Notes – Sticky notes all over the place? Say goodbye to them and hello to a note-taking app. Keep Notes lets you quickly capture to-do’s, lists, photos, audio, etc. And, the app synchronizes across all your devices so that you can save that great idea on the go, wherever you are. And, you can even add location reminders to your Keep Notes – when you reach the preset destination, your reminder will pop up. In order to use the location reminder feature, location permissions on your phone are required. Nonetheless, with this feature, there’s no excuse to forget the milk next time you’re at the grocery store.

OneTab – Raise your hand if you have 10+ tabs open on each of your open 3+ windows/web browsers! 🙋🏾 If this is you too, OneTab is here to-the-rescue. Available for Chrome and Firefox web browsers, this tool reduces tab clutter and saves up to 95% memory by converting all of your open tabs into a list. You’re welcome.

Tech to Try: H5P

What is H5P?

H5P (short for “HTML5 Package”) is a web authoring tool used to develop interactive, engaging learning experiences. With this emerging tech tool, authors can create and edit rich interactive content such as videos, presentations, games, and more.

Why am I interested in H5P?

      • Ability to supplement publisher content and Canvas tools and features by developing my own, customized interactive learning activities
      • Promotes learner engagement and provides real-time feedback (and you can track it using the tool’s built-in analytics)
      • Several content types: interactive video, interactive slides, virtual tour, dictation, and games
      • Content types meet accessibility requirements
      • Free* and open source to create interactive content
      • Content can be embedded in Canvas**
      • No additional cost to students

*The free, open source version can be used to start and test the product but a hosting site such as WordPress is needed to actually implement created learning experiences for students.
**The free, open source version does not directly integrate with Canvas.

Key Features

      • Build interactive content quickly and easily 
      • Pre-made templates for different content types 
      • Integrates with most LMSs like Canvas (paid version) and has plug-ins for publishing systems such as WordPress (free, open source version)
      • 30+ content types
      • Experience API (xAPI)

As mentioned before, H5P has numerous content types falling under the categories of games, multimedia, questions, and social media. For example, as an alternative to the traditional static PPT, Course Presentations allows learners to “swipe through slides to experience the learning material, while solving various quizzes or watching videos along the way.” ( And, with built-in analytics, instructors can view how learners are interacting with the presentation content and assess their performance level. 

Course Presentation Example from click on the presentation for a demonstration


Learn more about H5P


My hope is that the posts this past semester provided ways in which you can implement technology in the classroom. By no means is technology the star of the show. It is merely a tool to support and enhance teaching and learning whether that be in-person, hybrid, or fully online. 

Enjoy the rest of the summer and the time it brings to refresh and renew for the next academic year. 

Take good care of yourself and loved ones,
