Sumeet Deshpande

Sumeet is in his first year at San José State University, studying a Master’s in Software Engineering and is expected to graduate in December of 2021. 

At eCampus, Sumeet is responsible for primarily assisting SJSU students, faculty & staff members to advance the effective usage of instructional learning software tools, such as Canvas, Adobe Creative Cloud, and Zoom. 

Although Sumeet recently joined the eCampus Team, what helped with working remotely was, “the colleagues and seniors at eCampus, who were extremely helpful. And in no time at all, I was able to adapt to the new style of working and perform to the best of my abilities.”

For Sumeet, his favorite part of the job being a student assistant at eCampus is working on the development and maintenance of the websites that the department is responsible for. One of the most exciting projects he worked on was SJSU’s Learn Anywhere website. He felt extremely proud to have created a website that catered to the needs of the students that allowed them to adapt to the new learning environment. 

When asked about his future plans, he said, “I aspire to evolve myself into a qualified expert in the construction of software products by using ingenious advancements from revolutionary Computer Science streams. It is my dream to lead the development of a software application which would help create a significant impact on people’s lives by solving their problems in a simpler and cost-efficient manner.”

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