The Department of Computer Science is proud to be among the first SJSU departments to offer an online course through regular session in Spring 2014. A section of CS46A will be offered as an online course. For more information, please see The course is open to SJSU students and to students from other CSU campuses.
Monthly Archives: November 2013
Game-related courses offered in Spring 2014
Here is a list of game-related courses being offered in Spring 2014. CS majors can get elective credit for courses cross listed as CS courses. The other courses should still be considered if you are serious about a career in gaming.
ART 108 / CS108 Game Studies
MW, 6 – 715 in Art 135
Introduction to the systems, design, history, and cultural analysis of games with emphasis on development, technological literacy, markets and impact on society. In this course we shall read about, write about, play and design traditional paper based and video games. Req: upper division standing or instructor consent. James Morgan instructor.
CS 134
MW 4:30-5:45 MH 422
Architectures and object-oriented patterns for computer game design. Animation, simulation, user interfaces, graphics, and intelligent behaviors. Team projects using an existing game engine framework. Prerequisite: CS 146 and either CS 151 or CMPE 135 (with a grade of “C-” or better in each); or instructor consent. Jared Finder instructor.
CS185C sec 5 Game Design Studio
TR 6:30 – 7:45 in MH222
Game Design Studio is the capstone course in Game Design. Inter-disciplinary teams will create a substantial project over the course of the semester and present it to the public. The class will cover game production and development with groups operating as small indie-game startups. Emphasis will be placed on rapid prototyping, iteration and refinement. Lectures focus on gaming, society, and recent directions in the indie-game movement, with occasional guest lecturers from professionals in the field. Weekly activities include play-tests, prototyping and presentations. Game development will be done in Unity, or another platform with consent of instructor. John Bruneau instructor.
W 9-1015 HGH 219
Small Group Communication. An applied approach to small groups and teamwork that links theory and practice across a variety of contexts. In the Spring 2014 semester, the course will have a special emphasis on gamification–applying principles of learning and games to contexts such as education and business. Prerequisite: Completion of GE oral communication. Stephanie Coopman instructor.
Comm 181F, New Media/New World
This course explores the history and culture of the internet, the convergence of media into digital formats and networks, and the impacts of new media on communication behaviors. Analysis includes social action, interpersonal relationships, public and private sector uses, and content development. Class workshops facilitate a deeper understanding of games and gamification; privacy and cybersercurity; policy and intellectual property; social media; economics; information; education, and identity. Ted Coopman instructor.
ART 107
TH 1200-250, Art 237
Art 107 teaches interactive art and technology with an emphasis on research, design, experimentation and collaboration using object-oriented programming, computer vision, microprocessors, tactile controllers and biological sensors with a specific focus on real-time data which are dynamic, noisy, and alive. Req: upper division standing or instructor consent. G. Craig Hobbs instructor.
CS185C courses for Spring 2014
Looking for an interesting CS course for next semester? Try some of these:
Richard Stallman to speak at SJSU!
The Computer Science Department is proud to present a talk by Richard Stallman, president of the Free Software Foundation. He will be speaking on Thursday, November 21, at 4:30 PM in Washington Square Hall, room 109. Details can be found at: