Professor Danielle Harris Receives Guggenheim Grant for Research on Sexual Offending

by Danielle Harris

The Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation has approved a grant in the amount of $36,000 to Justice Studies Assistant Professor Danielle Harris for her project entitled “Desistance  from sexual offending across the life course: A multimethod approach.” The study will explore the process of desistance from sexual offending in a sample of 100 men convicted of sexual offenses, referred for civil commitment and released from custody through a gradual release program. The specific program in question operated in Massachusetts from 1974 through 1991 and provided civilly committed sex offenders with an opportunity to gradually adapt to living in the community with authorized absences and periods of supervised community access. She and her colleagues plan to follow up approximately equal numbers of recidivists and desisters. Recidivists will have been released and subsequently reconvicted for a sexual crime (and will be interviewed in custody). Desisters will have been released and not subsequently reconvicted (and will be interviewed in the community).

The post-release experiences of risk and protective factors will be examined, paying particular attention to the variables previously identified in three established theories of desistance: natural desistance; cognitive transformation; and informal social control. Consistent with a pilot study that Professor Harris conducted using a CASA Incentive Grant last year, she will conduct qualitative narrative analysis to explore the presence of themes of desistance that have previously been identified in nonsexual offenders as well as emergent themes unique to this particular sample. She hopes to build on previous results that have underscored the relevance of natural desistance for a small group and the importance of cognitive transformation within the context of treatment for a majority of participants. Additional emergent themes so far include the negative impact of recent policies on participants’ ability to find accommodation, employment, and relationships.

She has previously coded the clinical and criminal files of all participants and is in the process of locating them in the greater Boston area. She will return to Boston during the summer to conduct interviews and administer the MIDSA (Multidimensional Inventory of Development, Sex, and Aggression) to each participant.

In addition to her research, Professor Harris is actively involved in the SJSU Record Clearance Project, where she engages students in assisting eligible people to clear their criminal records. She also teaches a number of key course in Justice Studies.

Professor Harris received her doctorate in Criminology in 2008 from Griffith University, Australia. Prior to that, she completed a Masters degree in Criminology and Criminal Justice at the University of Maryland (College Park) and a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Justice Studies (with Honors) at the Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane and the University of Westminster, London. Her research interests include many aspects of sexual offending: specialization and versatility; the criminal career paradigm; desistance; female sexual offending; and related public policy. Dr Harris is the Director of Research for the Art of Yoga Project, a nonprofit organization that provides a yoga and creative arts curriculum to girls in custody.

Professor Harris’ work on sexual offending is a powerful example of the important research being conducted in the Justice Studies Department at SJSU; research that not only moves forward theory and practice, but that also has real relevance to marginalized communities and that helps in our collective efforts to achieve social justice through scholarship.

Information about Guggenheim Research Grants can be found here.

Information about the Massachusetts Sex Offender Program can be found here.

Information about the Art of Yoga Project can be found here.

More information about Dr. Harris and this prestigious research award can be found here.

Selected Publications

Harris, D. A., Knight, R. A., Dennison, & S., Smallbone, S. (2011). Post release specialization and versatility in sexual offenders referred for civil commitment. Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment, 23(2), 243-259.

Harris, D. A., & Fitton, M. L. (2010). The art of yoga project: a yoga and creative arts curriculum for girls in custody. International Journal of Yoga Therapy.

CARHS Updates: Workshops, Mixers, & Research Support

by Amy D’Andrade

Writing Supports

NCFDD on-line workshop on “Developing a Daily Writing Practice”

There is an upcoming on-line workshop “How to Develop a Daily Writing Practice on March 6, from 12-1:30, facilitated by NCFDD director Kerry Ann Rockquemore. In the workshop you will learn “the 30-minute strategy that will increase your writing productivity AND decrease your stress, anxiety and guilt.” If you haven’t had a chance to experience a workshop with NCFDD, I highly recommend it. NOTE: You must be registered with NCFDD to participate! It’s free, but we need a few days advance notice to sign you up. Contact Amy D’Andrade at with questions or to register.

The Writing Room

Every Wednesday morning, you will find a group of faculty members meeting together in the library to work on their writing projects. Students don’t stop by to ask questions. They aren’t disturbed by phone calls. Colleagues don’t drop in to chat. For two hours, every week, they create the time and space to focus on their scholarship. If you’ve been frustrated by a lack of time to write, consider creating the time to write by meeting in the Writing Room. We meet on the 8th floor of MLK Library, near the north windows, from 9-11AM every Wednesday. Contact Danielle Harris at with questions or for more information.

On-line Writing Accountability Group

Another group of faculty has begun a virtual writing group. Every week they check-in via email, set specific, manageable goals, and report on progress over the past week. It’s very helpful for staying on track and moving ahead on a writing project. Contact Lori Rodriguez at to participate.

Research Supports

On campus workshop about the federal funding landscape

SJSU Research Foundation workshops this semester from the Office of Sponsored Programs focus on federal grant writing skills. An upcoming workshop with Dr. Richard Dunfee from the American Association of State Colleges and Universities in Washington D.C. is on the landscape for federal research funding. The workshop will be held March 11, 9AM-12PM in MLK Library Room 255/257. RSVP to Nancy Riley at

Summer Research Training

If you would like to brush up on your research or analysis skills, there are usually opportunities for research training held every summer. Here are links to two examples, one focusing on quantitative methodology (the 2013 Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR) Summer Program in Quantitative Methods of Social Research), and one focusing on qualitative research (10th Annual Qualitative Research Summer Intensive sponsored by ResearchTalk and The Odum Institute). We may have funding to reimburse registration and travel expenses for one or two tenured or tenure- track researchers who are looking to improve their research skills by attending training over the summer. If interested, draft a brief proposal and budget and forward by 3/31/13 to Ed Cohen at

CARHS Research Supports

Don’t forget that we have software support including users groups for NVivo (contact Amy D’Andrade, to sign up) and SPSS (contact Ed Cohen, to sign up) and one-on-one support for NVivo from a faculty member with special training (contact Amelie Pedneault, Statistical consultation is also available for CASA faculty members (up to five hours per individual per semester). Contact Kathy Lemon Osterling, for a referral.

Work/Life Balance Supports!

Upcoming First Friday at Flames

We had a great time at the first First Friday at Flames.  To be honest, not all the conversations were about research and scholarship, but the company was excellent and it was a lot of fun. The next one is coming up this Friday, March 1 at 4PM. Everyone is welcome. Contact Ted Butryn at  with questions or for more information.

A tip to maximize productivity

Lastly, here’s a refreshing commentary from the NYT on the effects of relaxation on productivity.


by  Jerry Flanzer and Amy Strage

SJSU faculty reminder: Please join the Breakfast Club for its first gathering of the Spring semester on February 14, 2013 in IRC 101 from 7:45 to 9:00 a.m.  Start the day learning about the fascinating projects your colleagues have under way.  At each “Breakfast Club” meeting, we invite one faculty member or team to present a quick thumbnail sketch of their current work, and then open things up for a general conversation.  We will provide coffee, tea and bagels.

Hilary Nixon (Urban and Regional Planning), our guest speaker for this meeting, will give a brief overview of her research experiences with the Mineta Transportation Institute and discuss faculty opportunities with the Institute.

We hope to see you there!

SJSU Student Research Competition 2013 and University Student Research Forum

by Office of the Provost, SJSU

Update: Student Research Forum Open House Celebration will take place on April 10 at 12 Noon in Engineering 285-287. See flyer below.

Undergraduate and graduate research students have the opportunity to present their work and compete for selection as SJSU representatives to the annual CSU Student Research Competition at Cal Poly Pomona.  Details about the competition follow.

Timeline.  Each college should establish its own deadlines for receipt of the nominations from its faculty.  Please check with your college dean’s office about specific details.

February 22, 2013 – Colleges send an electronic copy of completed Student Delegate Registration Form and 5-page summary for each student to and deliver five hard copies of the cover sheet and a 5-page research summary for each student to the Graduate Studies & Research Office (ADM 223B).

March 6 and 7, 2013 – Student presentation of research and subsequent selection of SJSU finalists.

2nd or 3rd week in March, 2013 – SJSU finalist list due to Cal Poly Pomona.                                                          

May 10 & 11, 2013 – CSU Student Research Competition at Cal Poly Pomona.                                                                                        

Application.  Please find the cover sheet for nomination of students from each college to participate in the SJSU Student Research Competition at GS&R’s Student Research Competition webpage.  Attach this cover sheet to a summary of the research (double-spaced, 5 pages maximum, not including appendices which may not exceed 3 pages).  Each college may send forward a total of 4 students (undergraduate and/or graduate) who have done outstanding research or creative activity.  Students eligible to compete at SJSU and at the CSU-wide competition at Cal Poly Pomona are those currently enrolled or those who graduated in May 2012, August 2012, or December 2012.

Divisions of Competition.  Divisions of competition have been defined by CSU-wide procedures, and the judges for the selection will be experts within the disciplines.

The CSU-defined divisions are indicated below:


Group A                                                                                   Group B

Behavioral and Social Sciences                                       Biological and Agricultural Sciences

Business, Economics, & Public Administration       Engineering and Computer Science

Creative Arts and Design                                                   Health, Nutrition, and Clinical Sciences

Education                                                                                 Physical and Mathematical Sciences

Humanities and Letters

Interdisciplinary Majors

SJSU Oral Presentation.  Student research will be presented on March 6 and 7, 2013, from 1:30 to 6:00  p.m. (or as the number of eligible participants dictate) in IRC 101.  Students will be notified to which group they are assigned (A or B) and the date and time of their presentation.  Each student will have 10 minutes to present her or his research and 5 minutes to respond to audience questions.  Students are encouraged to use delivery techniques that promote interaction with the audience.  Successful students in previous years often have been those who practiced with their advisors or other faculty and students.

Research Summary and Oral Presentation Evaluation Criteria.  The University Graduate Studies & Research Committee will evaluate the research summary and the oral presentation to identify finalists for the CSU-wide competition using the same evaluation criteria that will be used in the CSU-wide competition.  The evaluation criteria are as follows:

o   Clarity of purpose (15%)

o   Appropriateness of methodology (15%)

o   Interpretation of results (15%)

o   Value of the research or creative activity (15%)

o   Ability of presenter to articulate the research or creative activity (15%)

o   Organization of the material presented (15%)

o   Ability to handle questions (10%).

Open House Celebration.  The 34th SJSU Annual University Research Forum sponsored by the Research Foundation and the Office of Graduate Studies and Research will be held in April, 2013 on a specific date to be announced next year.  The Forum is a celebration for students who have been selected to represent San José State University at the 27th Annual CSU Student Research Competition. The Forum also recognizes the faculty mentors of selected students by the presentation of Distinguished Faculty Mentor awards.  At the Forum, finalists will be available to discuss their research at a poster session; family and friends are invited to attend.

CSU Statewide Competition.  SJSU finalists will receive a small travel stipend towards their participation in the 27th Annual CSU Student Research Competition to be held May 10 and 11, 2013, at Cal Poly Pomona.

If you have questions about the competition or matters related to the Forum, please contact Dr. David Bruck at 4-2484 or  We look forward to this event with great enthusiasm and we encourage faculty and student.

Outstanding Thesis Award Nominations Open Until March 8

by Office of the Provost

The Outstanding Thesis Award will be available for 1-2 theses completed in the 2012/2013 academic year.  The winners will each receive $500.  In addition, the winners will be presented at the University’s commencement ceremony in May and will sit with the platform party.

Each college is invited to nominate one outstanding thesis for consideration for this prestigious award.  Students with degrees awarded in May, August, and December of 2012 and those with degrees to be awarded in May 2013 are eligible.  We continue to include the prior May degree recipients so that high quality work completed too late for last year’s college selection process can participate this year.  One restriction remains; nominees sent forward to the Graduate Studies & Research Committee last year may not be nominated again.  The deadline for this year’s competition is March 8, 2013.  Colleges may forward their nominee anytime before the March 8 deadline.

The Graduate Studies & Research Committee will serve as the jury.  In order to assist the Graduate Studies & Research Committee in the difficult task of selecting the “best of the best,” please submit the following with each nomination:

  • A copy of the thesis (which will be returned).
  • A minimum of two reference letters that indicate the reasons for the nominee’s selection, including some indication of the contribution made by the thesis to knowledge in the field.  Reference letters are required from the college committee or dean and the thesis committee chair or program coordinator.
  • The Outstanding Thesis Award Information Form ( completed for the college nominee.

The Graduate Studies & Research Committee will make its selections by March 18, 2013.  If you have questions or need additional information, please contact David Bruck at  We hope that all colleges will be represented this year.