CFD Updates: Conversations, Breakfast Club, & Grant Writing

by Amy Strage, CFD

Collegial Conversations
This Wednesday, March 6th, from 3-4pm, in IRC 210, as part of our Tea and Talk series, please come join your colleague, Professor Gale Antokal, from the Department of Art, as she leads us in a conversation about The Parameters of Imagination and Fact in the Act of Drawing. She will present 40 recent works depicting one simple still life object, as well as provide an investigation of form, color, realism and abstraction in the medium of chalk pastel.

In two weeks, on Thursday, March 14th, from 8-9am, in IRC 101, as part of our Breakfast Club series, please come join your colleague Professor Sami Khuri, as he leads us in conversation about The Long and Bumpy Road from the Human Genome Project to Personalized Medicine as well as other aspects of his fascinating work in Bioinformatics.

Grant-writing: Next Monday, March 11th, please join the expert staff of the SJSU Research Foundation, and learn from AASC&U Grants Resource Center Director Richard Dunfee about the Federal Funding Landscape – MLK Jr. Library, Room 225/229, from 9 am to 12 noon. Please RSVP to Nancy Riley (

Heads-up about two Internal Grant Opportunities: The Office of the Provost will be announcing two exciting internal funding opportunities – for research, scholarship and creative activity (RSCA grants) and for innovative teaching and course (re)design. Details about application particulars will be announced shortly – proposal materials will be due in early April.

Check out the Center for Faculty Development calendar of events and take a few moments to peruse the teaching tools and events the Cathy Cheal and her team in Academic Technology are offering as well.


by  Jerry Flanzer and Amy Strage

SJSU faculty reminder: Please join the Breakfast Club for its first gathering of the Spring semester on February 14, 2013 in IRC 101 from 7:45 to 9:00 a.m.  Start the day learning about the fascinating projects your colleagues have under way.  At each “Breakfast Club” meeting, we invite one faculty member or team to present a quick thumbnail sketch of their current work, and then open things up for a general conversation.  We will provide coffee, tea and bagels.

Hilary Nixon (Urban and Regional Planning), our guest speaker for this meeting, will give a brief overview of her research experiences with the Mineta Transportation Institute and discuss faculty opportunities with the Institute.

We hope to see you there!