Dr. Alice Hines and SWEEP Team Receive Prestigious Awards from the Government of Vietnam

Dr. Alice Hines speaking at the final annual summit in Hanoi, Vietnam.

Dr. Alice Hines speaking at the final annual summit in Hanoi, Vietnam

The Social Work Education Enhancement Project (SWEEP) in Vietnam held its final annual summit of Vietnam Social Work Educators, Ministry representatives, and other stakeholders in Hanoi on September 21-22.

One notable highlight of the Summit was a ceremony on day one to recognize Dr. Alice Hines’ outstanding contributions to social work education in Vietnam. Two awards were presented. Dr. Hines was presented with a prestigious award and medal from the Director of the Ministry of Labour, Invalids, and Social Affairs (MOLISA) for her outstanding work and for the SWEEP project valued contributions to the cause of MOLISA. Officials at the summit said that Dr. Alice Hines, SWEEP Director, was the first American citizen to be offered this award from MOLISA. Past recipients have included United Nations representatives and Ambassadors to Vietnam.

Dr. Alice Hines receives the MOLISA award from Mr. Doan Mau Diep

Dr. Alice Hines receives the MOLISA award from Mr. Doan Mau Diep

Dr. Alice Hines receiving the MOLISA medal from Mr. Doan Mau Diep

Dr. Alice Hines receiving the MOLISA medal from Mr. Doan Mau Diep

Dr. Hines was also presented with an award from the Vietnam Vocational Training Association (VVTA) for “enhancing the quality of education at the Bachelor of Arts level in social work according to international standards and enhancing the capacity of leaders and faculty in collaboration with the Association in research, competency development, and BASW level training in Vietnam.” SWEEP partner universities and SWEEP team members were moved by the recognition of the project success and echoed appreciation for Dr. Hines leadership.

Mme Nguyen Thi Hang (right) presenting the VVTA award to Dr. Alice Hines (left)

Mme Nguyen Thi Hang (right) presenting the VVTA award to Dr. Alice Hines (left)

In this final summit, Dr. Hines reported SWEEP activities and achievement during the last three years, in terms of leadership development, fellowship development, competency based curriculum development, research, and communication/networking.

Panels of leaders and faculty from eight partner universities provided overviews of collective progress and future plans in key areas including the development of competency based education in social work; leadership development and the use of technology for national collaboration; faculty development; and efforts to extend SWEEP advances in social work education to other non-SWEEP universities. Dr. Nguyen Hai Huu of the School of Social Work Association presented the final draft of the competency standards for social work education in Vietnam, which represented a milestone in progress toward institutionalizing new standards for social work education.

Among VIP guests at the Summit were Mr. Le Nhu Tien, Vice Chairperson of the National Assembly Committee on Culture, Education, and Youth; Mr. Doan Mau Diep, Vice Minister, MOLISA; Mme Nguyen Thi Hang, former MOLISA Minister, Vietnam Vocational Training Association (VVTA) President; and Joakim Parker Mission Director, Vietnam USAID.

SWEEP team members and partner universities

SWEEP team members and partner universities

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