Fighting Fear

Person crossing arms with shadow showing flexed arms; Source:

“If you are afraid, then you will always settle, underestimate your potential, and avoid all that’s challenging.”— SJSU Student

What does fear mean to you? Fear is healthy and vital for our survival, but, as students, it also feels inescapable at times and often weighs us down. There is always something invoking an uneasiness within our minds, whether it be a perceived threat, concerning feeling, or negative belief regarding our academics or futures as professionals in our areas of study, for example. Fear shows up and prevails in many ways and can make us feel stuck or stagnant. However, it is essential to remember that we have the power to change how our fear(s) affect us. But that depends on our mindset and taking advantage of resources available to help us! As the Peer Health Education Stress Reduction and Self-Care Team, we are here to promote ways to fight fear.

Being a student, what are some fears or limitations you have experienced?

“Fear of rejection and failures, fear of not becoming the person that I want to be.”

— SJSU Student

Anxiety has become the number one mental health concern for college students. This statistic is not surprising as immense pressures on many levels come with higher education, which the COVID-19 pandemic has uniquely intensified. It causes fear and vice versa. While fear offers an evolutionary advantage, anxiety brings about the opposite as it is mostly unhealthy. With anxiety, threats or dangers get detected that do not exist, which produces unwarranted or excessive stress. Anxiety often causes one to feel nervous or apprehensive, put off specific tasks, and mentally replay events. It physically affects the body by increasing the heart rate, upsetting the stomach, bringing headaches, depression, withdrawal, and more. Additionally, it can manifest into an anxiety-induced disorder if it intensifies, interfering with performance and life satisfaction.

How have you coped with fear(s) and the overall stress that follows?

“I have coped with these by practicing a lot of positive self-talk, giving myself credit for how far I’ve come, acknowledging that everyone’s journey is different, and ultimately believing it.”

— SJSU Student

College students have also grown to recognize imposter syndrome. It has become accepted as a common excuse for many reasons why they are not “good enough.” For example, an influx of negative thoughts running wild in the mind when the lecture just isn’t making sense, but you will be quizzed on the material later that week. By definition, imposter syndrome is a “collection of feelings of inadequacy that persist despite evident success,” according to Harvard Business Review. Many first-generation college students, in particular, put themselves under this label unconsciously when comparing themselves to their peers, whether in class, on social media, online, or even in casual conversation. Why are we so quick to self-sabotage before considering the options we have to reduce the weight that this added stress causes? We should embrace our accomplishments and success. We should embrace the praise we receive and let it soak in. Try writing down three things you are good at and place them where they will be visible to you. After you have established that positive self-reinforcement, try to seek out help if needed. College students face many struggles daily, but there are resources not always taken advantage of by them. Asking for help is never a sign of weakness. 

What are some ways you’ve used or hope to use campus resources to seek support?

“I have not utilized any campus resources, but I’ve looked into scheduling an appointment with CAPS.”

— SJSU Student

Asking for help can be one of the most beneficial yet challenging things to do. Founder of Bouchard Executive Coaching, M. Nora Klaver, has concluded that “asking for help often makes people feel uneasy because it requires surrendering control to someone else.” If there’s one thing this pandemic has taught us, asking for help is a sign of strength. As social creatures, humans thrive when there is a strong support system to guide them through the ups and downs of life. 

How do you generally feel about asking for help when you need it?

“I am not usually one to reach out for help. I feel like it gives into my mentality that if I ask for help, it proves I’m not smart enough or good enough. I’ve slowly realized that it’s okay to not have it all together and that I’m not alone.”

— SJSU Student

Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) is an excellent resource for individuals seeking such support. CAPS provides a range of services such as personal counseling, educational counseling, and life skills workshops. Dr. Ellen J. Lin is a psychologist with the department who has been working with college students since her time in grad school. She has recently been facilitating a workshop series titled “Tapping Away Fear and Worries.” With the three workshops provided in total, students learn mind-body techniques, like acupressure tapping, that will help them reduce fear and worrying and “feel lighter while moving toward [their] goals.” Team Stress Reduction and Self-Care had the pleasure of interviewing her to learn more about her work and ways to fight fear.

“I try to offer what I see are the needs, but also change it up for myself so that I’m not covering the same things each semester. With the pandemic virus and fears of infection and possible death, as well as ongoing racisms and other oppressions that also could lead to death, plus us incessantly watching the constant negative news when we’re stuck at home, it makes sense that everyone’s anxiety, worries, and fears are heightened.”

— Dr. Ellen J. Lin

According to Dr. Lin, fear is on a similar spectrum to anxiety. Both are “helpful to some extent as they can help motivate us to develop future plans for success and safety.” However, when these emotions are non-stop, they tax our body, and depression can set in. Warning signs include trouble concentrating on tasks, inability to fall/stay asleep, or feeling overwhelmed and irritated. Anxiety has been the most common mental health concern seen at CAPS and has increased exponentially among many students during this pandemic. Due to COVID-19, students may be fearful for themselves and high-risk family members. Also, “Black students, immigrants, and Asian-Americans (to name just a few) …have [had] appropriate heightened vigilance and anxiety to keep safe or even alive” due to racism and high COVID-19 related statistics that have affected their communities. Fear and anxiety have also been prevalent among current students preparing to graduate who may have concerns about the “economic downturn” and potential job prospects during the pandemic.

“Some anxiety, worries, and fears make a lot of sense and are very helpful to prompt us to plan and stay safe. However, if we’re not able to turn these off, these emotions and thoughts start to interfere with daily functioning.”

— Dr. Ellen J. Lin

When we asked Dr. Lin about her top solutions for students combating fear, she said, “there are no easy answers because each person and their circumstances are so different.” Here are a few possibilities she shared (each is not limited to only helping students):

Tip #1: Take a break from the news and social media.

“If possible, from a privileged standpoint, I recommend not watching the news every day and getting off of social media for at least a week if not longer,” stated Dr. Lin. The news, along with social media, often contains constant negativity or can bring about it. Both outlets tend to provoke negativity as well. She says that students wanting to keep up with the news should only read headlines or allow themselves only an hour to be updated.

Tip #2: Relax your body.

Dr. Lin asserts that not only do our minds need time to rest, but our bodies also do too. However, rest does not always refer to some kind of powering down or sleep but can refer to relaxation instead. With all the stress that the pandemic has caused society, she encourages students to prioritize and practice stress-reduction and self-care practices such as quiet time, slow and deep breathing, time immersed in nature, yin or another form of restorative yoga, and reiki, for example. Such activities can help the body heal. 

As humans, our bodies are made to feel stress so that we can respond to potential danger. However, when the potential danger is in the news and not necessarily in front of you, our body will still feel the danger and thus get stressed.” It’s essential to address that bodily reaction and be intentional in retraining our body to relax. With all the stress that comes with being a college student, our body is generally primed for its response and not very good at relaxing and slowing down.

Tip #3: Practice mindfulness.

Dr. Lin encourages all students to practice showing awareness of their fear and anxiety-based thought processes and replacing them. She suggests starting a gratitude exercise to retrain the mind to focus on appreciation and positivity.

“F–E–A–R: has two meanings: Forget Everything And Run or Face Everything And Rise. The choice is yours.” – Zig Ziglar 

What does this quote mean to you?

“We do not have control over what happens to us, but we have control over how we choose to react/respond to our happenings.”

— SJSU Student

Picture of sunrise over mountains; Source: Unsplash



What’s It Like to Get STI (STD) Tests at the SJSU Student Health Center?

Hi SJSU students, we’re Peer Health Education’s Healthy Sexuality team. By now, you’ve probably heard that it’s important to have safer sex to avoid sexually transmitted infections. Did you know that safer sex isn’t just about what you do when your clothes are off (or on, if you’re into that)? Getting tested for STIs and talking about it with your partner(s) is also part of the safer sex toolbox. 

Luckily for us, the SJSU Student Health Center (SHC) is one place where students can get tested. Our team wanted to know more about what testing at the SHC might be like, so we talked about the process with two people you might meet while getting tested here–Nurse Practitioner Trish Latour and Dr. Hidalgo. Keep reading to see some of the highlights of our conversations. 

If a student goes to get STI tested at the SJSU Health Center, what will that process be like?

Students make appointments by calling the SJSU Student Health Center. The center schedules a virtual appointment if you don’t have symptoms, or they’ll do an in-person appointment if you do have symptoms. 

During your appointment, the providers will ask you some questions to decide which tests are right for you. Some of these questions include: 

  • if your partners are male/female/both/etc.
  • how long you’ve been with these partners
  • what protection you’ve used and how often
  • which body parts you use to have sex (mouth, genitals, anus, etc.)
  • what they should know about your sexuality to take the best care of you

Testing methods might include peeing in a cup, getting a blood test, or swabbing the parts you use to have sex.

How much are STI tests?

The costs depend on the test. If students have insurance or Family Pact, the tests might be free. Without insurance, some tests are similar to the cost of a cup of coffee, and other tests might be the cost of a few days of coffee. The providers don’t want you to pay more than you can, so they won’t suggest getting tests they feel are unnecessary for you.

How long does it take to get results nowadays?

Results take a few days. If you get tested early in the week, you’ll most likely find out the results before the weekend. 

If my test shows I have an STI, how will I find out and what would the next steps be?

Typically, students will find out with a discreet phone call or secure email. Providers take confidentiality seriously while calling students and will verify the student’s identity first. At the start of a phone call, the provider might also ask, “Are you in a place where you can talk?” If a student is at work, they might offer to call later when the student has more privacy and time to process. Dr. Hidalgo says the phone call might sound something like, “I’m sorry to tell you that your chlamydia test came back positive. Don’t panic, we’ll get treatment.” 

Treatment is easily accessible. Usually the treatments are just pills like antibiotics, but sometimes they require a shot from a nurse at the health center. If treatment includes pills, students can get those filled at the SHC pharmacy or at an off-campus pharmacy that’s convenient for them

Don’t stop there. Talk it over with your partner(s). It’s important for partners to get tested and treated if needed, or else you could get reinfected. If you don’t know how to tell past partners, you can use a website that anonymously texts them to get tested (like It’s also recommended that you get retested in three months to check for STIs again.

What would you say to people who don’t get tested here because they’re worried they’ll be judged for their sexual behavior?

  • SHC providers strive to create a judgment-free, welcoming environment for everyone because their priority is your mental, physical, and sexual wellness. Nurse Practitioner Trish Latour mentioned that they’re used to helping patients with all sorts of sexual behaviors. Providers are also trained to be sensitive to patients’ needs and concerns.
  • Into BDSM and/or polyamory? Dr. Hidalgo asserted that the health center providers will not judge anything. If someone does feel judged, she says she’s “I’m open to feedback, and I encourage people to send me messages saying if I made them uncomfortable.”

What else do they want to say to students about STI testing?

Trish and Dr Hidalgo said these key points: 

  • Just because someone doesn’t have STI symptoms, that does NOT mean they don’t have an STI. If you are sexually active, the only solid way to know that you do not have an STI is by getting regularly tested. Trish recommends testing at least once a year. Many STIs that don’t show symptoms can have long lasting, irreversible effects. For example, chlamydia increases the risk of pelvic infections that can lead to infertility in people with uteruses. 
  • It’s also a good idea to ask a new partner if they’ve been tested for STIs since their last partner. Keeping open communication between you and your sexual partners will help make sure that you’re not putting yourself at unnecessary risk for getting STIs.
  • STI testing is not a substitute for safer sex practices. The health center recommends that you use barriers like condoms and dental dams every time if you haven’t all been tested.

The SHC staff is also very understanding and ready to support you through the process when it comes to confidentiality concerns. “I’ve worked at several places in my career and everyone in the health center is a nice person,” Dr. Hidalgo said. Since the Wellness Center offers reduced prices for testing, take advantage of it and take care of your sexual wellness.  

THANK YOU to Nurse Practitioner Trish Latour and Dr Hidalgo for taking the time to talk with our team – and for everything you and the staff at the Student Health Center do to care for SJSU students!  

How do you Treat Yourself Well?

Hey Spartans, is stress affecting your academic performance? Is hook up culture fact or fiction? How often do you think college students drink alcohol?  These are some questions that you can help us answer! Help make an impact by sharing your experience on the National College Health Assessment survey.

What is the National College Health Assessment?

The National College Health Assessment (NCHA) survey is a confidential opportunity for students at SJSU and across the country to share their behaviors, attitudes, and perceptions related to a broad range of relevant health topics like sleep, exercise, sexual health, and nutrition. This year, questions related to COVID-19 and basic needs are also included. 

Information collected by the NCHA survey plays an important role in informing campus programs and services and provides valuable insight into the issues that impact our campus community.

How to Access the Survey

12,000 undergraduate and graduate students at SJSU were randomly selected to receive this survey, which takes about 20 – 30 minutes to complete. Those selected will receive an SJSU email notification from the SJSU Student Wellness Center <> with the title “SJSU Health Survey”.


The NCHA survey will be open on Thursday, March 11th and will close on Sunday, March 28th.

Win Prizes! 

Students who complete the survey by Sunday, March 28th will be automatically entered in an opportunity drawing! This year, you have a chance to win one of 20 gift cards valued at $25 from the campus bookstore or a set of Apple AirPods Pro.

If you did not receive the survey link but wish to be entered in the Opportunity Drawing, email Anna Ang at

Winter Hours – Our Staff is Here for You!

Check out our updated Winter hours from December 14th – January 22nd. The Student Health Center is open from 9:00am – 4:00pm. We will be closed for the holidays from December 24th – January 1st. 

Monday: In-Person and Telehealth appointments 

Tuesday: Telehealth appointments

Wednesday: Telehealth appointments

Thursday: In-person and Telehealth appointments

Friday: Telehealth appointments

Call (408) 924-6122 to make an appointment! For more information on services at the Student Health Center, visit or follow us on Instagram and Facebook @SJSUWellness.

Traveling for the holidays? Stay safe during the COVID-19 pandemic

#Spartans, are you thinking about traveling for the holidays? For the lowest risk, it is strongly recommended to stay home and celebrate with those in your household. Participate in virtual activities to celebrate with those outside of your household.

If you choose to travel, consider these tips to help reduce your risk of getting COVID-19. 

Before you travel: Take extra steps to stay healthy

  • Get your flu shot! Free flu shots are available at the Student Health Center. Please call 408-924-6122 to make an appointment. For more local options, visit
  • Minimize your risk of exposure by limiting the number of people you are in contact with
  • Pack enough masks and hand sanitizer for your travel
  • Check for any travel restrictions at your destination. Are you required to quarantine? Check official state websites for more information. 

Day of travel: Protect yourself

  • Limit your stops. If you’re driving, pack enough snacks and food so you don’t have to stop often. If you’re flying, try to get on a direct flight to your destination.
  • Wear a face covering and stay physically distant from others
  • Wash your hands frequently for at least 20 seconds. Use hand sanitizer when washing your hands isn’t an option. 
  • Self-quarantine and delay travel if you are sick or have been exposed

During the holidays: Protect others

  • Stay physically distant from others if you can
  • Wear a face covering and avoid close contact. 
  • If there are testing options available to you, get tested!
  • Eat outside with others or in separate rooms inside

When you return: Get tested

  • Get tested! Even if you feel fine and have no symptoms, it’s possible to have COVID-19 and spread it to others. Visit for local testing options. 
  • Self-quarantine for 14 days after you have returned or until your test results come back negative

For more information, please visit: 

Santa Clara County Public Health Department: Recommendations for Safer Holiday Travel

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Travel during the COVID-19 Pandemic & Holiday Celebrations and Small Gatherings
