*Original announcement posted in FinanceConnect list serv on 4/14/12*
The one-time inventory and retagging of university equipment by AssetWorks, Inc. (see message from the Vice President of Administration & Finance below) has been completed. We wish to thank all of you for your cooperation and patience in dealing with the inevitable disruption caused by a project of this magnitude.
AssetWorks is currently analyzing the results of the inventory and will produce a report next week of equipment listed in our Asset Management system that they did not find and vice versa. After we receive that report, we will follow up with the appropriate custodian departments to locate missing equipment or record its disposition.
If you have any questions, please contact Ruben Araiza, Property Coordinator in Accounting Services at 4-1595 or ruben.araiza@sjsu.edu . Thank you again for your cooperation.
VPA&F’s message:
SJSU has contracted with AssetWorks, Inc. to inventory all university equipment, and to re-tag the equipment using Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tags. (RFID tags can be scanned from a distance, which means the inventory can be performed faster.)
AssetWorks is scheduled to conduct the physical inventory from March 26 through April 13. During this three-week period we ask each department on the main and south campuses to have someone available who can help AssetWorks personnel locate the equipment. We are not able to give you a specific time during which your department will be inventoried, but we will try to give you as much advance notice as possible.