MISA, or the Management Information Systems Association, has been preparing SJSU students for successful careers in business and technology since 1999. Members engage in professional and personal development, leadership, and networking, and are able to interact with top Silicon Valley companies and employees. One club leader shared that MISA “strives to shape the upcoming leaders of Silicon Valley with the incorporation of their core values of Professionalism, Networking, Knowledge, Leadership, Community, Innovation, and Opportunity.” Club activities include workshops on resume building, interview preparation, creating a LinkedIn profile, and building a personal brand. Members value “the powerful connections made within MISA” that help them to “better navigate the business world as well as create lifelong friendships.” MISA is open to students of all majors and backgrounds. Last year, MISA was the recipient of three awards at the Student Leadership Gala: Advisor of the Year, Executive Board of the Year, and, Student Organization of the Year. Follow MISA on Instagram @SJSUMISA, visit their website www.sjsumisa.org, or follow them on LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/company/sjsumisa/.
Klesis Christian Fellowship provides students with a faith community where they can ask questions about God and Christianity. Klesis is a Greek word meaning divine invitation. Members are invited to participate in activities such as discussions, weekly meetings, trips, meals, game nights, hangouts, and Zoom calls and webinars. Club leaders are proud that Klesis Christian Fellowship is a place where students find and build friendships that last well beyond the college years. As one member shared, “especially in a time where it is so easy to feel disconnected and discouraged because of what is happening in the world, we want to be a place where students are able to build relationships where they can ask questions, get answers and find support.” Klesis is open to all students, whether they are Christian or not. Visit the club’s website https://www.sjsu.klesis.org/ to learn more, or follow them on social media @klesis_sjsu.
The Assembly of Nurse Scholars is a club open to all students with an interest in healthcare and the field of nursing. The club connects nursing students and helps to promote learning through a variety of enrichment activities and networking opportunities. Members learn about all of the specialties in nursing through club events like panels and other shared resources. A club leader shared that their motto, lifelong leaRNing, “demonstrates how you basically learn nonstop in the healthcare field as it keeps advancing and changing throughout time.” Follow the Assembly of Nurse Scholars on Instagram @ans_sjsu or on Facebook at Assembly of Nurse Scholars for updates about meetings and events!