Imai, Kane (Desktop Support) is Stepping Beyond

“My daughter was ill and I had to stay home and take care of her for part of the day. However, we had some important training that day. My colleague helped out by arranging for me to telecommute into the training. This was very much appreciated and above the call of his responsibilities.” — Mario Rivas

Loo, Matthew (Desktop Support) is Stepping Beyond

“My daughter was ill and I had to stay home and take care of her for part of the day. However, we had some important training that day. My colleague helped out by arranging for me to telecommute into the training. This was very much appreciated and above the call of his responsibilities.” — Mario Rivas

Spartans Stepping Beyond for the Bursar’s Office

“I am writing to thank you for your assistance this week with helping the Bursar’s Office issue ID cards to our students. We were swamped with students on Monday with very long lines waiting to receive their student ID cards. Fortunately, by Tuesday, we had figured out a system to give students appointments so that we could regulate the lines into more manageable segments, which is continuing into next week. I was overwhelmed with your generosity to just pitch in at a moment’s notice and do what needed to be done to help us out, despite the fact that you had your own responsibilities and jobs to do. It was a true show of spirit and willingness to step in and help out no matter what – a totally Spartan thing to do. It makes me so proud to work with such outstanding colleagues, which is why I love working here. Thank you so much. We could not have done it without you.” — Jennifer Kraskouskas

Drew Agbay | Student Outreach & Recruitment
Margaret Deiss | Bursar’s Office
Marna Genes | Finance
Deanna Gonzales | Undergrad Admissions & Outreach
John Hardin | Bursar’s Office
Jillana Hart | ES Tech Impl & Comm
Jennifer Sclafani | ES Tech Impl & Comm
Dolores Lorigo | Bursar’s Office
Coleetta Mcelroy | Enrollment Services
Andrew Nguyen | Finance
Joe Pinheiro | Undergrad Admissions & Outreach
Shauna Rios | Finance
Bernadette Rodgers | ES Tech Impl & Comm
Jasjit Singh | Finance
Geri Soto | Financial Aid & Scholarships